Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Spoiled Kids

 If there was a good reason for me giving up my two girls, it was that I knew I was making life too easy for them. They were spoiled, in the sense that I wanted to keep them babies forever. They drank out of bottles until age 3. They had food too, but I didn't know a clean way to let them have milk. That is odd I realize that. I couldn't find a good sippy cup and our house was new so I didn't want them spilling milk all over the new carpet. So I suppose I gave up my kids because I loved our house more than them. 😪 It was a beautiful house. Maybe that is why God gave me an average looking house now, so I won't overly love my house anymore. 😁

I was very soft with my girls, too soft. I think most parents of girls are though. I had a horrible childhood and I wanted theirs to be comfortable and happy always. What I feared most was them having a bad childhood too. It seems to happen that what we fear the most, we bring about. Maybe that is because we think about it a lot. What you focus on is what will happen. 

I had a great fear that my daughters would get sexually molested and one did. I had a great fear that they would be raised in a broken home and now they are. 😣

Fear does not make us prevent bad things. Maybe it attracts bad things. 

The hard times were also due to generational curses. The Bible says the sins of the father will affect the family for several generations. It is possible that my girls were cursed due to my dad's sin. He was a sex addict. 😒 

I think those curses have ended now. That only applies to the non saved people. So all y'all, make sure you are saved. I am now fully saved. It has been a recent development. I am confident that my son will not be affected by any of my family's generational curses. Praise God! I believe that my second family try will go well, and that it will last forever. 😁

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