Friday, June 30, 2023

Losing Weight After a Baby Delivery

 Here is a sad story. My aunt got a tummy tuck after having her first son. The really sad part about that is that her husband was and is 300 pounds. Why should he care if she looked slightly overweight after having a baby, when he was that big? I hate when men expect their woman to look perfect always when they don't. That is not fair. The reverse is true too I suppose. If a woman doesn't try to stay thin, she should not expect her man to stay thin either. 

It is hard for anyone to lose weight. The hard thing about losing weight after having a baby is that you have to take care of the baby in the middle of the night. In order to do so in a happy mood, you need to eat to have more energy. Maybe that is why post partum women don't lose weight that fast. It could be stress eating. It is also just eating to have the energy to work harder. 

It helps to go on walks to lose weight. Getting a part time job as a waitress or a store stocker can help too. I might work in retail soon being a stocker. I'm sure that will help for me to get my baby weight off. It does bother me sometimes. 

I think that's why the women who don't have kids, don't. They don't want to worry about all the extra weight from pregnancy and wanting to get rid of it. I think it is also why some women just have one baby after another. They probably think, "Well I'm fat already so why not get pregnant again and get more fat?" But you can get that weight off. It is possible. Just try harder. 

Obviously, it is ideal to avoid candy, cookies and chips. If you do eat chips, I recommend pringles. I am currently re-kindling my love of pringles. At least they don't hurt my stomach after eating them, so they can't be that bad for you. 

If you crave chocolate, try chocolate covered almonds. I read that almonds are the number one super food, meaning they prevent cancer and any other disease you probably never want to get.

Drink lots of water. Often times when we think we are hungry, we are actually just thirsty. Drink juice a lot. The main thing God told me to use to cure my high blood pressure was orange juice. Orange juice is ideal, but any juice helps with any illness you have. The vitamin C is very much needed for your organs. 

Be patient with yourself getting that baby weight off. All good things take effort. You will be movie star attractive again eventually. Just be patient. 

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