Monday, September 26, 2022

Cults Make You Go Crazy

  A cult is, "A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. And a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister."

My parents were in a "Christian" cult for 12 years. My ex husband was obsessed with the Charismania cult for 15 years. I have much knowledge about cults. 

If a group of religious people think they are the only ones going to heaven and anyone not in their group is going to hell, that is for sure a cult. 

If the group worships the pastor or a "Prophet" more then God, it is a cult. 

If the group is super controlling about what you do with your money or who your friends are, it is a cult. 

If the people in the group literally try to break up your marriage, it is a cult. 

If you feel an eerie feeling around the people in that group, it is a cult. That is God telling you to run away quickly. 

If they claim to be able to heal lots of people, it is a cult. 

If they are verbally abusive in any way, it is a cult. If they chastise you for choices you make. If they act like they own you. If you sense they want to control your mind. It is a cult. 

If they limit your involvement with family and try to turn you against your family, it is obviously a cult. 

If they program you to question and fight hard against any criticism from outsiders, you are in a cult. 

If you are, please run away. My dad molested me probably because of his stupid cult. It messes up your mind a lot. Break free. Be an adult. Learn to manage your own life instead of being bossed around. You were meant to be a free agent. So be one. 

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