Thursday, September 15, 2022

Time or Money

 I think most people feel about their mate that they should either get to enjoy their time or their money. If you want to work a ton, sure why not? But then you should give some of what you make to your lover. Why? Because you are leaving them alone for long periods of time. If they have money to go buy happy things, then it's not as annoying if you seem to be at work too much. 

I would recommend that this applies to both the man and woman. If the woman is working a lot and neglecting her household chores or her husband, then he should enjoy some fun money from what she makes. Especially if he has to keep the house clean instead of her doing that. 

I had a set up with one of my exes where I would cover our groceries. I had plenty of extra money to do that from working a ton. Toward the end of our relationship he started getting groceries. Rather then asking me to pay him back, he had a temper tantrum one day and told me to move out. So I did. It was for the best. He was a horrible dad, and I hated seeing that. 

Money and time. If you love someone, you will give them both if you can. If you don't want to share much with them, then why are you with them? 

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