Thursday, September 8, 2022


 I am watching the Lord of the Rings movies and it reminds me of possessed people I have seen in my life. The Bible says, "In your anger do not sin and do not give Satan a foothold." Anger is the main avenue through which a person can be possessed. Think about anyone you have seen that was extremely angry. They seemed possessed, didn't they? 

I know there have been times when I felt out of control and not myself. Usually it was when I was PMS'ing. I suppose a woman's hormones easily open doors to Satan to take over our minds. That is probably why the Bible says the man needs to be the head of the family. 

Usually when men feel that way, they drink or smoke in order to have a sedative. Women might take a bath or take a nap. Some women go shopping to get out the energy from their anger. Having sex more often helps both men and women to feel less angry. It is mainly the physical exercise of sex that helps, but also the close feeling that helps calm your spirit. 

It is crucial to develop coping skills early on in life to process your anger. Since I was 10 my preferred coping skills have always been writing and music. The only reason I never completely lost my mind was due to being able to write and my love for music. 

If you need a coping skill to calm you down, try music or writing. They will make you feel 100 times better. And may God help you all to not become possessed when you are angry. 😀

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