Monday, September 26, 2022

Evil Women

 I have known many evil women. The only kind women I have known are my two best friends and my 6 aunts. They are all pretty chill and nice. 

A woman I used to work with was a Wiccan. She made my life hell for a few months. Then a lesbian woman at work made my life hell for a month. I think they were trying to gang up on me to cause me to either loose my job or want to quit. And it worked. Eventually I was fired. The main reason for that was a lot of people tried to turn my boss against me. They were jealous of the close relationship we had. Also I suppose they were jealous of all the hours I got and the money I made. But maybe if they were less combative and less lazy, they would have gotten more hours too. 

In my job before that I had a hard time with my woman boss. We grew very close, but there kept being stupid little conflicts. Her mom practiced Santeria, which is witchcraft. Don't be deceived people, it is.  She came to work with us, and I could tell she just seemed evil. She tried to start a lot of drama between me and my boss. 😢 It was very, very mean and annoying. 

So that was my last 3 years, having to work around possessed, demon worshipping women. 

For the 7 years before that I had to deal with a possessed mother in law. She was by far, the most annoying woman I had ever been around. She would call my ex 7 times a day. I don't know if she was just trying to annoy me, but it drove me nuts. I remember my ex saying his dad was never happy being married to his mom. How could someone be happily married to a possessed person? Her anxiety was unbelievable. She worried about everything. The sad thing is she is now the woman raising my two daughters. I can only hope they will not grow up to be anything like her. Someday when I miraculously have tons of money, I hope to get full custody of my girls again. 

The other highly evil woman I knew was my step mom. It is very hard to have step parents. You never really feel like they love you. You always sense they are jealous of you and hate you. 😢 Christine was a clean freak, so living with her on the weekends was like being in the army. Her father actually was an army general, so that was why she was OCD about keeping things clean. I later appreciated that about her though, because she made me more clean. I am happy now that I maintain my home well and keep it super clean. 

From the time I was 14 to 25 my mom seemed possessed at times. Her rage was incredibly scary. She seemed to enjoy screaming at me when we were in the car together, which was always annoying because I couldn't get away. One time I locked my door to my room and she dismantled my door knob with tools. I was like wtf! All because I Had to go with her to some church picnic. 

So due to all that, I have been very happy to just live with a bf for the past 12 years. Sadly there are always crazy women attached to those men, which is why the relationship usually does not last, but at least for a season I get a break from all the psychotic women out there. 

To all the gay men out there, I totally understand why you like being gay. 😂 

May God help all the crazy women around the world. If you are a woman, try to not be crazy. 😀

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