Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Stay in Peace

"As far as it depends on you, be at peace with all people." 

You can fight with others and stress yourself out, or you can hold your tongue and keep the peace. The most important thing to learn in relationships is how to remain silent and calm. A lot of people do not like peace, ironically because it can feel boring. There is less excitement. Less drama. Less to talk about. But you can always watch a movie if you crave some drama. 

Don't start drama with others. Satan will tempt you a few times every day to lash out on someone. Just remain in peace. It's not worth it. You may prove your point but why cause drama? Why hurt someone else? Why damage the friendship forever? If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. 

Don't let Satan steal your peace. Maintain a positive mind set. Be grateful. Stop complaining about stupid things in your mind. Does it really matter? Maybe for a minute it matters, but in the long run it will not. 

"I never regretted anything I did not say." "Life and death are in the power of your tongue." Choose your words wisely. Be careful how you treat others. What goes around comes around. 

God says, "Peace is a requirement for a good life. It will keep you sane. Don't let others ruffle your feathers. Stay calm and pray. Then you will not worry about anything, and you can keep the peace."  

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