Sunday, September 11, 2022

Get Your Talk On

 Half of marriage is great sex. At least hopefully it is great for you, if you have a mate. :) The other half should be great times of talking. 

I remember my ex husband used to say often that he was jealous of my bf before him because we had talked so much. I was like, "Well you are the one who doesn't seem to like talking much." He followed his dad's model. His dad almost never said a word, and Ben became almost 100% like his dad. 

The most I talked with a guy was Roger, the guy that Ben was always jealous of. I was in love with him from age 25 to 27 until he died. 😞 Don't drink. Stay away from alcohol.

 He worked in a mental health hospital for a few years. That gave him tons of stories to share, and I loved hearing them. He also told me stories about how crazy his ex wife was. Before knowing his life story, I had never even known about an evil woman. All the ladies in my family are ladies. Honest and kind church going ladies who genuinely care for others. Then I met my ex husband's family and I saw even more evil women. 😳 May God help them. 

I talked with my 3rd ex Bryan a lot. We felt like best friends from the beginning. We both were raised Baptist Christian. His life story was, quite ironically, the same as mine. He had an ex who went crazy. They had 2 daughters together also, and they were married 7 years too. Her family blamed him for her madness. I'm sure he had a hand in it, but I would say they raised her, so it was mainly their fault that she went insane. 

Now I am in love with my current hubby and he had some crazy exes too. 😣 One woman used to physically abuse him. I am so lucky that never happened to me. But I am extremely good at running away before things get super crazy. I know how to survive well. I asked why he stayed with her even though she abused him. He said he loved her. I said, "That is not love. That is stupidity." I had also said that to a co worker who was in an abusive relationship. 

If you are being abused by Anyone, don't put up with it. You are not stuck. Pray for God to open up a new job or a new living situation for you and he will. He wants to help you. All you need to do is ask for his help. Don't try to go it alone. Ask God and other people for help if you need it. 

And watch out for all the crazy people. Be wise and avoid them if you can. 

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