Thursday, September 22, 2022

You are Free

"If the son sets you free, you are free indeed." 

So many people battle addictions their entire lives. Why? Because you think that is what you deserve. Maybe you grew up around addictions so you think that is just part of life. You have not seen people who are happy and free, so you think it's impossible. You can get free if you want to. You just have to want to. 

 Get busy living or get busy dying. Either you can do all the things that lead to life or those that lead to death. Try saying this aloud, "Spirit of death be gone from me."

 Ask yourself every day, do I want to stay alive, or am I wanting to die? It's time to start telling yourself the truth. And if you do want to die, why? What about your life is so bad? Can you change whatever is bad? 

It might just be an issue of perspective. Try seeing your life from another person's point of view. If others looked at your life, would they say you have a great life? If they would, why are you so despondent? Sure your life isn't perfect. No one's life is perfect. Try to be thankful for what you do have. If you are working, at least you get to make lots of money. If you are a mom, at least God blessed you with cute little kids. If you are retired, at least you get a super long break from our crazy society. 😁

The more you force yourself to see the good things about your life, the less you will feel the need to fulfill your addictions. Negativity is the breeding ground for addictions. Ingratitude. Angst over your life. Try to be more positive about your current life. 

Remember the Serenity Prayer, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change." If you cannot change that sad thing, accept it and move on. Refocus your mind to your present and forget your past. It is gone. You may have regrets, but focus on living your present life well and leaving no regrets. 

"God cannot give you beauty for ashes if you are still holding onto the ashes." Let those ashes go. Focus on the beauty in front of you. 

And always remember how Much God loves YOU! 

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