Wednesday, September 14, 2022

War, huh, What is it Good For?

 Absolutely nothing. 

That is the song from Rush Hour. Best movie ever! 

I have never written about war but here are my thoughts. The atomic bombs dropped on Japan made sense. They invaded our land and bombed us in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor. That was the only time the US has been attacked. It made sense for us to make a strong statement with the atomic bombs. That was us saying, "That was not ok at all. Don't ever do that again." That was a good statement to make. 

But any other involvement in war, whyyy..... We need to mind our own business. Who cares how other countries are ran and function. Pray for them, of course, but we don't need to get all up in their business. We need to just take care of our own country. We have plenty of our own problems to worry about. 

I advocate a hands off foreign policy. No more meddling and being annoying to other countries. Let's just keep to ourselves and keep our own people safe. No more shipping our people over to crazy places. Those tax dollars being used for the military should be used for road repairs instead. 😊 That is much more useful to the rest of us. 

Once the atomic bomb was invented, and drones, we no longer need a military. It is a huge waste of time and money. I think all the men, and women, in the military should instead build and run homeless shelters. We need to care for our own people better. Why try to fix other countries when we have lots of things to fix here? 

In conclusion, I think all war is bad. No more military funding. Build homeless shelters instead. 

Jesus loves you! 

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