Here is a list of evil spirits. You can set yourself free, but first it can be good to know what you need to deliver yourself from. For each spirit that you may have, all you have to say is, "Spirit of.....come out of me now. You cannot stay in my mind or body any longer. By the power and blood of Jesus, spirit gone."
Death- You have this Spirit if you very often want to die.
Suicide- If you have ever made a plan to kill yourself.
Depression- When you feel dull most of your time. Nothing excites you anymore. The zest of life is all gone.
Loneliness- When you feel painfully alone when you are alone.
Epilepsy- If you have seizures.
Rejection- If you think everyone is against you.
Heaviness- You just want to sleep all day and all night. π£ I have felt this one sometimes.
Fear- You have an excessive amount of anxiety about your future. It is very difficult to trust God.
Anger- You have outbursts of rage and it feels uncontrollable.
Lust- You cannot stop thinking about sex. It is hard to lead a normal life due to thinking about sex way too much.
Murder- You cannot forgive whoever has hurt you the most. You wish they were dead.
Crippling- You find it hard to walk. Your back is stiff or hurts really badly.
Infirmity- You are sick very often. You don't get why you seem to be sick all the time.
Headaches- You have seriously painful headaches. They keep you from sleeping at night.
Allergies- You cannot eat certain foods. You have severe congestion.
Insomnia- You have racing thoughts at night. Your mind will never shut down.
Sleep Addiction- All you want to do is sleep.
Adultery- You have a lust for others who you should not lust after.
Sexual Immorality- You sleep around non stop. It seems out of your control and you can't stop doing it.
Homosexuality- You have a desire for same sex people. Maybe you were rapped so you hate the opposite sex who God created you to love.
Gluttony- You are obsessed with food. The best time of your day is when you are eating.
Alcoholism- You cannot stop after one drink. Your body and mind demand more and more until you pass out.
Drugs- You crave drugs. Some drugs are not enough. You always want to add on to what you already do. No high is enough of a high.
Gossip- You hate others deep down and you try to make others hate who you hate.
Lying- You hate being honest. You gain a supposed power from lying. You feel indestructible and like you will never get caught.
Porn- You think of porn all day. You have a hard time thinking of anything besides porn.
Masturbation- You excessively masturbate. Either it lasts longer then a few minutes or you do it too many times each day.
Slander- You want to divide your friends so you tell others things to tarnish their character.
You can be free of any or all of these evil spirits. "According to your faith it will be done to you."