Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Dances with Wolves

 This is one of the best movies ever made! I love Kevin Costner.  I think it's amazing that the white actors totally learned the Sioux language for this movie. It made me think of missions work. I wonder if the soldier that the movie is based on was hoping to be a missionary to the Native Americans. That is very possible. 

I used to want to be a missionary, until social media was invented. Then I realized I can go all over the world through social media. That is nice. It saves me the trouble of flying anywhere. I can only hope the people that God wants to save will read my writing. :) And my self-published books on Amazon are on kindle. Those can be translated into language with just a language selection, as far as I know. Pretty awesome. 

If you haven't seen Dances with Wolves check it out. Did you know Costner had to shell out 3 million of his own money to make the movie happen? Of course he could have made it more frugally, but that was his decision. Why did he make the movie? It was a commentary on racism in general I would say. He grew up in the OC like I did, actually. That is the melting pot of so many different races and countries. Everyone from every country wants to live there, and they do. Maybe he was tired of seeing racism from one group to another, so he made that movie. He wanted us all to just get along, as we should. Why are some races afraid of other races? There are stereo types, but the more we assume someone will be a gangster, then maybe they will be. The trick is to treat everyone the same, and then maybe we all will act the same. 

Don't be a racist. Love everyone. Treat all people with respect. You want them to respect you right? Then respect them. "Do to others as you want them to do to you."

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