Sunday, October 29, 2023

On Suffering

 One of my favorite movies has always been Patch Adams. I think one reason is because at the beginning he commits himself to a mental hospital. My mom did that for a couple weeks after my dad molested me, which would make sense. She was feeling suicidal. I always wondered what that was like for her to be there. I wonder if it was something like how it is in the movie. 

Toward the end of the movie, Patch loses his new girlfriend. She is murdered by a patient she went to help. πŸ˜ͺ He tells God, "You created the world in 7 days. Maybe you should have spent one of those days working on your compassion." Then a butterfly comes out of nowhere as if to say, "Hello, God sent me to say, you will be ok." The butterfly reminded him that God still cared about him, even though he let his girlfriend die. He then goes back into being a doctor with a joyful heart. Such a wonderful story. πŸ˜ƒ

God has some compassion, but he also lets us endure a lot of pain in life, for reasons only he understands. He likes to see us overcome. That is the main thing he has told me about my suffering. He likes to see what we will do when we struggle with things. Granted it is frustrating for us that we are mostly here to entertain him, but he is the creator. We are not. 

You might say, "I would never find those kind of things entertaining as God does." But then why do you watch the kind of movies that you do? πŸ€”

I think that is one reason why some refuse to believe in God. They don't want to think about that concept. Are we here just to entertain God? Yes, that is an ugly truth of life. Mostly that is why we are here. We are here for him, not him here for us. It can feel powerless, which makes us angry sometimes. We don't get why he doesn't make our lives perfect. Why does he let us experience pain? The reason is to make us stronger. I like to tell God, "I am strong enough thank you." πŸ™‚

I hope you can still love God and want to know God even with knowing you are just here to entertain him. Just accept it that it is what it is and try to enjoy your life as much as you can. On a positive note, it's kind of cool that we can entertain the most powerful being in the universe. I think so anyways.

God bless!

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