Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Oedipus Complex

 Why is there the expression momma's boy or daddy's girl? Because that is often how it is. Lots of men mess up their marriages by being more loyal to their mom than their wife. Women mess up their marriages by being more loyal to their dad than their husbands. 

The Oedipus complex says that every man wants to kill his father and marry his mother. Why is this a thing? It is common law of psychology. Perhaps because a man loves his mom's cooking more than his woman's. Maybe a woman likes that her dad is more rich than her husband. 

I just watched a great movie, "Love, Marriage and Divorce." In that the newly married woman tries to take care of her dad, who might divorce her mom, but then neglects her new husband. This is very common. 

In my former marriage, my ex always took his mom's side. She was on a pedestal in his eyes, and I was like nothing compared to her. I never could understand it. I remember my step-dad said he knew why my ex's first marriage didn't work, because of his mom. He probably was the same with his first wife. His loyalty was to his mom instead of to her. We had a talk once about how he wanted me to like his parents more, or act like I liked them more. I said, "Ok I can like them but I'm not going to worship them." My ex worshipped their money really, more than he did them. They thought he cared a lot about them. He did, but it was mostly their money that he was in love with. 

If your parents are rich, who cares? That doesn't mean you should love them more than your mate. Be more loyal to your mate than your parents. That is how life should be. 

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