Monday, November 26, 2012

Biblical Love

What does it mean that love is patient and kind?  What does the Bible have to say about what love is?  What should it consist of?  What are it's components? 

1 Cor. 13 states:

"Love is patient," meaning you don't try to change the person you love, but wait for them to grow on their own.  

"Love is kind," meaning you are gentle and calm with the one you love.  

"It does not envy," meaning their success is your success.  When they are happy, you are happy.  You want the best for them. 

"It does not boast."  You do not brag about all your accomplishment in such a way as to make the other person feel small.  That is not love. 

"It is not proud."  You cannot be proud and love another at the same time; as pride is self-love.  You have to choose either to love yourself more or the other person more. 

 "It does not dishonor others."  When you love someone you want to protect their name and their character, as in do not gossip about them to others.  In talking with others about them we are to honor them and speak of only good things regarding them.

"It is not self-seeking."  You can either look out for your own interests or that of the other person.  If it is a mutually loving relationship, you would not have to worry about meeting your own needs because the other person will.  Your focus is to be on meeting their needs. 

"It is not easily angered."  Love seeks to find peace wherever possible.  Everyone will have disagreements but love can accept differences calmly and peaceably.  Anger comes when we want to get our own way.  We need to allow others to be as they are.  Anger seeks control, but in real love THERE IS FREEDOM. 

"It keeps no record of wrongs."  You know that you have truly forgiven someone when you never bring up the offense again.  The past is in the past.  We are not to keep bringing up previous offenses; as this does only harm, not good.  I know this from personal experience.  Bringing up anything negative from the past is NEVER a good idea.  ;)

 "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."  Love sees the truth about your spouse; that they are doing their best and that they have good intentions towards you.  They are not purposely trying to hurt you, or they would not be married to you.  Love does not believe the lies of the evil one.  Satan will try to feed you lies all day every day about your spouse.  DO NOT BELIEVE THEM.  

 "It always protects."  Love wants to keep the other safe in every way; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  This includes praying for each other.  Love protects from allowing others to speak negatively about your spouse also. 

 Love "always trusts," because without trust there cannot be love.  Trust is the foundation on which love is built.  

 Love "always hopes;" love always hopes for the best.  Love does not despair about the other or the relationship.

 Love "always perseveres;" love does not give up.  Love stands in the fight.  Love presses on even when things are not easy. 

"Love never fails."  If you truly love someone, as long as they are alive, it will not die.  If you truly love someone, you cannot stop loving them.  You are essentially glued to them.  "The two become one flesh."

Scripture states about marriage, "What God has joined together let man not separate."  If God has joined you together, it cannot be broken. 

Love is not easy.  It takes work and effort.  It does not just come.  As a farmer has to work his ground to produce a crop, so love has to be worked in order to work.  Love is not a passive thing.  It is active.  It is a decision.  It is a choice we make every day. 

May God teach us all how to REALLY love one another. Many people think they are loving, but are we really loving?

May God bless you! :)   


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