Saturday, November 10, 2012

An Encounter With God

Does God still appear to people?  Can some people sometimes hear God's voice audibly?  I had always been skeptical of this myself but I believe this kid in this video is telling the truth.  Praise God that He appeared to him so powerfully!  And praise God that he shared his story with the world!  Please listen to and consider his story....

This video is pretty phenomenal! (He tells of his encounter with God about 27 minutes into the video)

I will tell you the best part if you do not want to watch the video. :)  I personally have never experienced anything like this, but I love hearing and sharing stories like this!

Here is his story:  

The back drop to his encounter with God is that ,when he was a child, his dad had a horrible form of cancer in which his skin would shed.  He was molested by a close friend at 16 and shortly after that an amazing man of God he knew, a close friend, suddenly died.  He was severely depressed for 4 years and attempted suicide 3 times.  He had the hardest life of anyone I have ever heard of having!  He was bullied at school and youth group repeatedly.  People in the church criticized everything he did, even watching Star Wars movies.  He saw unbelievable hypocrisy in the church he grew up in.  If he was in SoCal I would tell him he needs to come to Mariners! lol, but I doubt he is.  :(  He never found peace or joy anywhere! 

So then.....

"M parents weren't home one day and I screamed, 'F....God!  Why are you doing this to me?!  Why are you making me suffer THIS much?  If you were truly a loving God, if you were truly what you claim to be in your book of the Bible you will help me, you will fix me, you will change me and you will heal me!

"And it was then, I am just sharing with you my story, what happened exactly as I know it happened, at that moment I felt as if these invisible hands out of no place, no place! wrapped their arms around me and just said to me, 'It's going to be ok.'  And also I heard this invisible voice saying to me, 'I love you!  And you are my child.  And I've been helping you grow.'

"It was at that moment (I hadn't felt physically loved by someone for a very long time) I just felt this unimaginable, indescribable care of this invisible someone reaching out and speaking with me and telling me it's gonna be alright and I'll get out of my depression, my pain, everything that I'm going through and feeling.


"And I said to him, 'God if you are REAL, you are going to get me out of this!  And I TRUST you.  I give ALL of my cares, ALL of my guilt, ALL of my shame, ALL of my hate, ALL of my bitterness over to you.

"It was at that moment that I felt as if everything I was feeling was lifted off of my shoulders.  I felt as if physically, as the Bible describes Jesus taking our sins away and applying them to himself on the cross, I felt as if they were being lifted off of my shoulders.  I had been suffering from all these things, depression, for almost 4 years!  I thought I was to blame for the sexual assault that occurred to me.  And then all of a sudden ALL of it WAS GONE, INSTANTLY!

In response, if you feel like praising the Lord for this wonderful story, here is the new song "10,000 Times" by Matt Redman.  I love this song so much!  Enjoy!

There IS a God.  And he does love YOU.....VERY, VERY MUCH!  Do you believe it?  I pray after hearing this kid's story you will BELIEVE it even more!!!!

God bless!

"May God bless you and keep you.  May he cause his face to shine upon you, and give you peace." :)

May GRACE and PEACE be with you! :)

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