Wednesday, November 14, 2012


According to Bob Barnes, there are 10 Lies that Feminism has fed our culture:

Bob says, "The Scriptures clearly teach that God created Eve from Adam's rib so that she could be Adam's helpmate.  Today's society, however, slams the door on that truth....some women, unfortunately, have pushed for equality to the point of erasing the distinctive differences God created in men and women so they could compliment one another."

Men and women are equal in value, but we VERY different in how we view and interact with the world. 

Men and women are not equal in physical strength, unless the woman is taking supplements. lol  We are also not equal in that men have the ability to be much more logical and women have the ability to feel much more emotion. 

I remember hearing the philosophy often in college, "Men and women are no different."  I was dumbfounded that people could actually think that way!  We certainly don't look the same, so how could our minds function the same way?!  We are very, very different.

Also, women were created to be man's helper.  However, the curse introduced a power struggle that does not seem to go away even when both spouses are Christian.  It can get better the more a couple prays together however.  Also, "The best thing you can do for your spouse is improve your relationship with God."  Amen?

"Men and women alike have strayed from God's design for marriage, and as a result, are at odds with their mates.  Conflicts between husbands and wives are often triggered by certain ideas that society tells women to believe about themselves and about men." (very true!)

Here are the 10 Lies:

1. You can have it ALL (aka. be a successful mom, wife, CEO, have a large social circle etc. all at the same time)

2. Men and women are fundamentally the same (men and women are NOT the same, at all, by any means.  We are very, very different in how we think and act in many ways.)

"The basic differences between males and females are one reason why marriage is challenging, and unfortunately, many women have refused to acknowledge these differences in their quest for liberation and equality with their male counterparts."

3. Desirability is enhanced by accomplishment (women are not more lovable the more we accomplish, sometimes it actually makes women less desirable if it makes us more prideful etc.)

4. Your full potential MUST be realized

"While it's true that we should do everything to the best of our ability, believing that we should always be able to win the gold medal or consistently score a perfect '10' can mean disappointment and depression when human limitations result in a bronze metal or an unexpected '8,' '6,' or even '2.'"

I can understand that for sure.  The push in our modern society is to be all that you can be right?  But no one is perfect, and we should not expect ourselves to be perfect.

5. Men and women view sex in the same way (women become much more emotionally attached despite what the feminist movement wants to say.  Women cannot be as detached as men in this.)

6. Motherhood can be postponed without penalty (there is an age where women cannot bear children anymore)

7. Today's woman should abandon "softness" for "assertiveness"  (That lie is fed to every woman throughout school; that we should be just as assertive as men in our classes.  But women and men do not have the same character traits.  We should not expect women to be men.)

8. Speaking one's mind is better than listening (listening is always better than talking when it comes to winning friends and building relationships)

9. A woman should be self-sufficient 

"The attitude that women don't need men is in direct opposition to the plan of our Creator.  Men and women are to honor one another and lift each other up."

10. A women should look for sensitivity, not strength, in a man (Women have become men and where does that leave men?  Very confused.)

"Men are left to figure out how to be strong without being obnoxiously macho, and sensitive without being weak."  Poor guys :(

Likewise, women are left to figure out how to be assertive as our society tells us to be without intimidating men and soft without being seen as incompetent. :)  It is a very hard balance to strike, for both genders.  Our modern world has made it very hard to just BE a man or a woman, since those terms are very much confused now.  What is a man supposed to be?  What is a woman supposed to be?  No one really knows.  lol

"Now consider the impact these lies have had on our society.  What role have they played in the harsh realities of families breaking up and teenagers rebelling or being lost to drugs?"  Very true. 

Women are saying they should run the household but they are to entrenched in their careers to do so.  Men seem to have their hands tied behind their back.  And where does that leave our children?  Orphaned.  It is becoming quite an epidemic in our modern families. 

The lies of feminism could very easily have been invented by Satan, since they are destroying families and marriages all across America. 

"Believers truly are at war with Satan and his army, and he would love to destroy our marriages.  After all, good marriages are a testimony to God and His love."  Why?  Because only Christians who are married can reverse the curse of the fall.  Instead of the woman trying to usurp the man and the man seeking to dominate his wife, they can submit to one another "out of reverence for Christ." 

Essentially, the world, and those who are not regenerated by the Holy Spirit are incapable of learning this new way.  Man apart from God is a slave to sin.  Therefore, marriages apart from Christ will be broken until they are transformed by Christ.  The closer each spouse is to Christ, the better their marriage will be. 

Some things to consider. 

Grace and peace to you and God bless! :)

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