Thursday, November 8, 2012

Absolute Truth Vs. Relativism

How many times in America do we hear people say, "Well that's cool that that works for you, but it doesn't for me?"

It's not a matter of what WORKS, it's a matter of what is TRUE.

Relativism; Everyone is being tolerant of everyone else.  It's good to be nice to others but when it comes down to it, what is THE truth?  The truth is that there is only ONE way to get to heaven, and that is through JESUS CHRIST.

A friend once told me that he knows some "good" Buddhist Christians.

You CANNOT be both Buddhist and Christian. 

Jesus said, "You are either FOR me or AGAINST me."  Meaning you can either accept and believe in your heart THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, or you are deciding that you are against Jesus. 

It's not half in and half out.

It's not picking and choosing what you WANT to believe.

It's not about you, IT'S ABOUT JESUS.

It's not saying the Bible is an "allegory" and it can be interpreted however you want to interpret it.

Granted there are some issues that make people scratch their heads, like free will verses pre-destination.  Do we pick God or does God pick us?  I think it's both.  As the Bible talks of both. 

But THE most important thing is what do YOU believe about Jesus?

Do YOU believe he was the son of God?  

If not, let me tell you, Jesus was NOT just a prophet.  He was not JUST a great teacher.  He was GOD IN THE FLESH.

The second crucial point you HAVE to believe is that IF JESUS DID NOT SAVE YOU, you would be doomed to hell.

Jesus will not save us if we don't think we need saving. 

Yes there IS an absolute truth, and his name is JESUS. 

He said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.  No one comes to the Father except through me."

So CHOOSE life, that you might live! 

May God be with you! :) 

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