Friday, November 2, 2012

A Sports Analogy

I played and was absolutely in love with basketball for 12 years of my life, so I will write how I feel life very much resembles a basketball game. :)

Life is Like a Basketball Game


The game of life is played on a team

Your team mates are fellow Christians

Perhaps people in your small group or life group

Or people in your family

My team is my best friend and mom

And several other people who sub in and out from time to time


The basketball can represent many things

It can be the words of scripture that you pass around to each other

To encourage each other

It may simply be words of affirmation to build each other up


Scoring points in the game is like when you save someone

Or when you all help to make the world a better place

I felt this most on my mission trip to India and Taiwan

We were a very tight knit team

With a common goal

To save the lost

And there was so much energy

A kinetic energy like lightning between/ among us all

Pushing us on in the game


Your coach is like the Holy Spirit

He is your conscious encouraging you, give you wisdom


The referee is like God

If you don't listen to your coach the Holy Spirit

God the referee will put you in check

He will call you out when you are doing something wrong

And correct you through various means


The other team

Well, the other team is non-Christians

Who try to oppose your efforts

People who ridicule you for trying to live for God

People who don't want you to save people

And they certainly don't want you to save them

People who try to put out your light

People who are spiteful and mean and cut throat


But God the referee keeps them in check too

He won't let them get too out of hand in trying to attack you

As Scripture says, "No temptation has overtaken you

except what is common to mankind.

And God is faithful;

he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

But when you are tempted,

he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

This can apply to any kind of temptation to sin.

This is where people get the phrase,

"God doesn't give us more then we can handle."


The other team can also be demons at times

This is an invisible team opposing us every day

They wisper discouraging words in our ears

Try to get us to stop playing

To sit on the bench for awhile

To give up.

Their coach is Satan of course

He tells them what to do

They try to strike fear into us so our shot will be off

They try to yell at us and mock us to throw off our game

They even try to pit us against each other sometimes

Those little jerks.

They know a house divided cannot stand

So they try to breed resentment and bitterness and jealousy between us

They try to dis-unify us

But we have to fight them off, pray them off, rebuke them off

The points they win are those who "sell their souls to Satan"

This phenomenon is real, it actually happens, believe it or not.


The crowd in the game is everyone else in the world,

Watching you

Some of them are cheering for you

And some are cheering for the other team

You can pretty much always tell

Who is cheering for you

People who encourage you

People who tell you how special you are

That you are capable to doing great things for God

That God can use you in this crazy game of life

People who believe in you

Believe that you can win the game


Believe that God can win the game through you.



And that is how life is like a basketball game. :) Hope you liked it! God bless!


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