Monday, November 5, 2012

What is Your Calling and Purpose?
I love Steve Harvey!  He has so much wisdom! 
Steve Harvey says, "You're gift is the thing you do the absolute best with the last amount of effort."

I would add to that when passion and skill combine, you have found your gift.  Just because you are good at something doesn't necessarily mean you should do it.  Like the phrase, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should," that is the truth to look at when it comes to finding what our calling is.

I have been capable of doing many things in my life.  Most things I attempt, I am good at.  Any job I have tried that I thought I wouldn't be able to handle, I not only handled it but excel.  My very first job was working with kids at a summer camp when I was 14.  How ironic that my first job would end up being what I feel is my calling and what I am most meant to do.  I loved that summer!  I loved hanging out with the kids and playing with them.  Other people might look at that and think, "Being in charge of 30 kids all summer does not sound fun."  But I loved it!

My second job was retail.  I worked at Petco.  I also loved that!  Anything where I can work with people I love! 

I later tried an office job of filing and learning how to keep a spreadsheet.  I did it literally for only about 2 days and wanted to rip my eyeballs out lol.  I absolutely hated it. 

Then I did more retail.  And then tutoring kids.  I also absolutely loved that!  I got myself through college doing that, as far as extra expenses. 

About a year ago I wanted to become a waitress but I always thought I wouldn't be able to handle that and the pressure of remembering everything.  But it turned out I was a really, really good server.  There were times that it was fun, but also times I did not like it all. 

The question to ask oneself in finding or being in a career is does what you are doing make you happy?  Are you good at it AND does it make you happy? 

How many people are in jobs that they hate?  I actually do not know one person who loves their job and is doing what God made them to do.  However, it sounds like Steve Harvey has it figured out.  He knew God made him funny, used that, and now is very, very successful. 

Steve says, "Michael Jordan doesn't struggle to play ball, he just plays it." 

When we are doing what God designed us to do it will just come naturally. 
I know for sure one of my gifts is writing. :)  I have been writing ever since I was 10 in journals.  I have always written, what would seem to others as, excessively.  My mom has said, "Yeah I really should be journaling."  I always think, "If you don't want to don't do it!  But I cannot help from writing.  I cannot not write.  I have to write!"  I literally wake up in the morning and the first thing I think about is the next thing I want to write about.  I can spend hours writing and it is like only minutes have gone by. 
Steve says, "When you look at someone else and think you should do what they do....."
Yes how many of us do that?   All four of my grandparents were teachers.  ALL FOUR!  So I thought, "Well I'm supposed to do that too right?"
But man, I taught one year and had a very hard time with classroom discipline.  Partly because kids these days are nothing like they were in my grandparents day, but also probably because it just isn't what I am supposed to do. 
What comes the most easy to me is this, writing, and working with little kids.  There is nothing that brings me more joy then seeing little two year olds run around outside carefree and happy.  I love that age before they start talking lol. 
You know at three kids are all about saying no to everything.  But at two, man they are just little angels.  lol
At the beginning of this video he says God wants to bless us.  Many people have a hard time with the "name it and claim it" gospel, or the "prosperity gospel."
But he says something very accurate.  "If God is your father, then you should benefit from that."
Scripture does say, "My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

There is also the verse, "Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them."

Look at the parable of the talents.  Did God not reward the one who invested his talent?  Does God not want to bless us when we follow him?
If we follow God's rules, his law, we will be blessed.  He does not give us the 10 Commandments to limit us and ruin our fun.  He gives us the law and guidelines so that we might have life! 
Jesus said, "I came that they might have life and life abundantly!"  Amen?
Steve says, "The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discover why."  So true!
I have heard people say, "If I could push a button to ensure that I was not born I would do it."
We should not say such things about our lives, no matter how hard they are!  Life is a precious gift from God!  He has a reason for why we are alive and here on this earth.  It is just a matter of finding out what that is. 

If we really believe in God, we will see that He has a huge plan for each of us.
Steve says, "God gives everybody a gift.  He never creates a soul without giving them a gift."  Amen!
Well all have something that we are good at.  We all have some way in which we can be a blessing to society. 
Steve says, "Some of you have argumentative skills and should go be a lawyer." lol  I certainly like to write argumentative essays and argue a point.  Who knows if God has that in store for me someday lol.

I certainly love the movie "A Time To Kill."  Great, great movie.  Also, "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" is pretty awesome. 

May God reveal to all of us why He made us, what his massive plan for our lives is.  And may we all sit still long enough for Him to tell us. 

Be blessed! :)

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