Saturday, November 10, 2012

Laura's Wedding

The wedding was AMAZING! :)


I have never seen a more excited groom, or guy, in my life! lol  They always say look at the groom's face when the bride is walking down the isle, you will never see a happier man.  Well Mike was elated the entire ceremony!  He was obviously over joyed that Laura had picked HIM! 

It was so cute to see them interact throughout the ceremony.  The pastor started by saying there were many tears shed in the groom's room before the ceremony, and Mike mouthed to Laura, "OF JOY."  I thought that was pretty funny. lol

It was just all just so beautiful!  Everything about it.  It was the most beautiful wedding I had ever seen and probably will ever see.  Laura looked absolutely stunning!  She had the most beautiful rhinestone tiara on I have ever seen!  Her dress was the most beautiful wedding dress I have ever seen!  Her face was definitely glowing the whole time.  As was the grooms!  I have never seen two people look so much in love and so happy to marry each other!  It was just beautiful.

Laura's dress had to be the most AMAZING wedding dress I have ever seen!  She was sparkling ALL over!  Laura, if you are reading this, you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen today! lol  I love you! :)   

Her entrance was really, really cool, because instead of the regular wedding waltz she had a kind of angelic song playing as she walked down the aisle.  So of course it seemed like an angel herself was entering the room!  And she certainly looked more like an ANGEL then anyone I have ever seen! lol :)

The most beautiful thing about this ceremony was that it was between two people that obviously love God with their whole heart, mind, body and soul!  I can tell you for a fact that they will stay married for the next 60 years until they die.  I have never been so sure about a couple's eternal bliss! lol  It was like something out of a fairy tale, like Cinderella or something.  Other weddings I have been to, I wasn't so sure if they would live happily ever after lol.  But these two were completely made for each other!  And so incredibly in love it was just amazing to see! :)

I knew the sermon would be amazing also because I knew Laura would pick an amazing pastor to do her ceremony!  And she did! 

In the sermon the pastor gave he first went over creation.  He said how God created everything and said everything was very GOOD except for ONE thing.  God said, "It is NOT GOOD for the man to be alone." 

Then he talked about the fall of mankind and how the curse put on the woman was, "your desire shall be for your husband."  He said the correct interpretation of this is not desire as in longing but as in she will desire to be him or usurp him as a result of the fall.  That she would try to take his place.   However God says, "But he shall rule over you," meaning he will dominate you. 

Then he read the part in Ephesians where it says, "Wives submit to your husbands as unto the Lord."  He noted that this command from Paul was flipping the curse on its face.  It was inverting the curse, because where the curse stated that the woman would seek to be in the man's place, once she is regenerated in the Holy Spirit, the wife is capable of submitting to her husband.  Likewise, the husband is then capable of loving his wife rather than dominating her, "As Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for it."  The husband will not seek to dominate his wife if his heart is ruled by Christ.  With Christ's Spirit inside of us the curse of the fall can be reversed!  I had NEVER heard it explained that way before and I am indebted to this pastor for increasing my wisdom on this concept!  Thank you!

The two read their vows to each other, and Mike's vows were just stunning!  How he said them made me cry lol cause there was SO MUCH love for Laura in them!  They both started their vows with, "I love you!"  And Mike concluded with, "I joyfully take you to be my wife."  I liked that he said "joyfully."  So many grooms that I have seen did not look joyful in their weddings.  One I saw literally looked like, literally, "great....this should be interesting."  And another looked like he was thinking, "What am I doing?" lol but this guy could not have been more sure and more ecstatic!  He obviously felt like he was the luckiest man alive!  After she read her vows to him he mouthed to her, "You're so beautiful."  That was soooo cute!  

The pastor said, "Marriage is a commitment to love someone other then yourself EVERY DAY."

It was pretty funny cause he obviously kept trying to get Laura and Mike's attention but they just couldn't stop gazing into each other's eyes.  I found that to be hilarious.  Mike just kept staring and staring at Laura.  He was completely smitten by her beauty!  She did look incredibly stunning I must say. :) 

When they were putting the rings on Mike said, "I MikeLaura....."  lol and everyone laughed.  The pastor was like, "Oh you're already jumping to the two become one huh."  Indeed the two become one so they are no longer he and she now but they, we, us, them.  :) 

The pastor was saying that the metal of the ring is very strong.  He said you guys are going to have to be STRONG.  Indeed!  Love is not for the weak, and marriage is definitely not for the weak!  lol, they probably have no idea just how "strong" they will need to be.  But they will find out. lol :)

Marriage is hard work for sure.

I love in the movie, "Guess Who" Bernie Mac says, "25 years of marriage man, it's a war!  Brutal!  Exhausting!" lol!  He is so funny!  But yes it can be exhausting at times, indeed. :)

He also said how the rings were pure and that represented that they would need to protect their marriage from anything impure, like movies with bad scenes for example.  Whenever my late husband and I would watch movies there was at least one scene we had to skip over in EVERY movie, and we did, every time, because you do really need to PRESERVE the purity of your marriage! 

He said the ring is STRONG but also MALLEABLE.  This symbolizes that as a couple, you have to be both strong in marriage regarding conviction and sticking it out in the fights, because there will be fight.  But you also need to be malleable and flexible with each other.  Amen?  There are some times you need to be strong, but there are other times you need to be weak.  And that is what makes marriage so beautiful! :)

I would like to blog a prayer for Mike and Laura. :)

"God may you watch over the marriage and union of Mike and Laura.  May you help them to keep their love alive and do kind things for each other.  May Mike always love Laura as much as he does today!  And may Laura always respect Mike as much as she does today.  Bless them and watch over them!  Send your angels to protect them from any attacks of Satan, as he seeks to disunify all of us.  Help them to grow closer to you daily as they grow closer to each other as well.  Amen!" :)

Peace be with you all!  I hope in reading this it makes you think of your wedding day again!  And I pray you can fall in love again with your spouse! 

May God Bless You! :)

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