Thursday, November 1, 2012

Poems to Reminisce


I'm on the ice, on a frozen solid lake

I race around on my ice skates over the bubbly, frozen water

I imagine I'm a professional ice skater in the Olympics

I feel free

I feel fast

I feel alive!



The snow seems to cover the landscape like a pure white blanket

Everything looks new, pure, innocent

The trees look like angels

The ground looks like frosting

The snow sparkles like diamonds

The powdery fluff of the snow is soft to fall in

It surrounds you, seems to hug you

It is as slick as ice sledding, speeding, down the hill

I roll off the sled and tumble to the side

Every ride on the snow is a wild adventure!


Lightning Bugs

They flicker and float through the air carefree, slowly, gracefully

They seem to disappear and then flash their beacon of light for one second

They fill the air till there are hundreds of them, thousands

They seem to awaken a magic in my heart

A fascination for how beautiful they look

Setting off a symphony of little lights all around me

The show God had waiting for me


In the dark woods

At night

Where I can see the contrast of the deep dark woods

With the sparkling light of the lightning bugs

And I am supremely glad that for this moment

I am alive to see THIS!


Tornado Clouds

The green clouds are threatening, menacing, ominous

Foreshadowing a horrendous tornado might be about to strike

I look at the sky breathlessly, fearfully, waiting

Looking, scanning, searching for a funnel to break loose from the clouds

The clouds seem to roll over themselves endlessly

They look mean, intense, dooming

But then the rain stops

And the sun breaks through the clouds

And I happily know everything is going to be OK

The storm has passed 

The sun has come!



Seeing lightning in the clouds you cannot help but think

Is God trying to speak to me?

What are you trying to say God?

Sometimes it looks powerful, sometimes angry

When I dread each bolt might hit my house or my car

But sometimes it's calm and soothing up in the clouds

At a distance

Like God is trying to say something

But what?


The Lake

How many hours did we spend at the lake that summer?


It was so carefree, so innocently fun

Picking berries on our way walking down the hill

When everything seemed to be right in the world

Everything was calm and happy

How I swam all the way across the lake

And felt like I was king of the world!

I was so proud of myself

The mystery of wondering what was at the bottom

What was swimming underneath us

Why did it get so cold in the deeper waters?

And the water fights

And the joy

The craziness of being children

The delight in everything, everyone

Those were the days


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