Friday, November 9, 2012

About Me

Random questions and my answers to them:

What animals do you like and not like?

I love kittens.  I don't like snakes. I stepped on one once as a kid and I don't think I have ever been more scared lol. And spiders scare the crap out of me, especially one I saw in India that was as big as a paper plate!

What is the most important thing that money can do for you?

Provide security and peace. I hate worrying about money. Getting a masters. Education is all I really care about as far as things that cost a lot.

Who was the first person who died in your life and how did you feel?

My best friend when I was in 2nd grade. Her mom's boyfriend shot her, her mom and her grandma. So I was exposed to pain and evil at a VERY early age. I cried harder then I have ever cried. I was devastated. I was very, very close to her. I think I was quite flabbergasted that someone was capable of doing something so evil. It was in the newspapers and everything. :( And I have not to this day heard of anything else that crazy.

What do you believe about God?

That he is all powerful and I have given him permission to do with my life whatever he wants lol. I am his servant, completely and wholly, and I love him with all my heart! :) I love times of singing in worship to Him. I love how close I feel to Him. :)

If money were no object, what is the one thing that would be most important to you to do?

Get a masters degree and then a doctorate, and possibly go on some amazing cruises to exotic islands.

How did you learn what it meant to be a man/woman?

Probably from my youth pastor mainly. She was the most attractive woman I have ever known inside and out. She had such a zest for life that I had never seen before or after knowing her! She was very pretty and kept herself in good shape. She was always very stylish. She had an incredible sparkle in her eyes that I will never forget.

And I learned how to be tender from my mom. She is very tender and would always scratch my back as I fell asleep. That's how I know how to work with kids and be tender with them cause she was with me. :) I remember her rocking me to sleep when I was little. She was a very, very sweet mom. :)

If you gave money to charity, which ones would you choose and why?

World Vision, to kids, because it is not that kids' fault that they are growing up in poverty. I have a heart for all kids, no matter where they live.

If you had one day to live, what would you do?

Go sky diving. That way if my parachute doesn't open I was going to die anyways. I have always wanted to sky dive but would be worried about the parachute not opening the whole time I am falling. lol And that would be the worst way to die for sure, cause you have a long time to think about how much it would hurt. lol

If you won the lottery, what would you like to accomplish?

As said above, masters and doctorate.

Who is the person you admire most and why?

My mom, for all she has gotten through in her life.

Describe your philosophy on personal debt.

Sometimes debt has to be taken out like for student loans or a car. I believe credit cards can get quite tricky and dangerous, as I have seen them be bad for my brother.

If you were really in trouble, who would you go to for advice?

Ashley first, my best friend of 14 years, and then my mom lol :) and God of course, but it's kinda hard to hear his voice sometimes lol :)

If you were going to write a book, what would it be about?

Feminism, and what it is doing to kids growing up in our society without a mom or a dad. Also the bad effects it is having on marital relationships.

If you won the lottery, would you continue working?

Possibly, unless I had kids then definitely not.

Who is your very best friend and why?

Ashley, because she is one of the wisest people I have ever known. No one gives better advice then Ashley! I love her! :)

How did you choose the career you are in?

Working with kids I suppose would be mine. Because I am great with kids. They always love me. I seem to know what works and doesn't with them better then others. And I know God would want me to take care of them and work with them. And because I am fun. God made me fun, so working with kids makes the most sense. :)

What is the most unselfish thing that you think you have ever done?

Going to India, because it was the complete opposite of a vacation. We had to sleep on concrete floors and be uncomfortable the whole trip. Also my trip to Taiwan and Mexico. Any time I was outside of my comfort zone. Also working with kids and changing their diapers lol.

What would you want people to say about you after you had passed away?

That I cared about other people and that I did the best I could with what I was given. That I was wise, but that I still knew how to have fun.

What is your goal for the next 12 months? How do you plan to reach it?

To enroll in the Masters program in Sydney, Australia. Enroll lol :) And to get a job working with kids that is fun where I can teach them about God. :)

What aspects are important in a marriage to you?

Communication.  Honesty. Care and concern for each other. Having fun together. Playing sports and staying active together. Church, bible study groups. Protecting the privacy of the marriage from to many outside people.

When you are depressed, what do you do or how do you act? What do you do to overcome the depression?

I usually just feel depressed when I'm tired so taking a nap will fix it 9 times out of 10. I act grumpy when I'm tired sometimes lol. Otherwise eating some ice cream, not a lot lol, usually helps if I'm feeling down or drinking coffee.

What was your favorite age to be and why?

16, prom was fun, my classes were fun. I loved my basketball team that year. I had all of the best friends I have ever had at church at that age.

Do you think that animals have souls?

I hope so! lol But I am not sure.

If you are a woman, what is the one thing that you think it would be important for a man to know about women?

What you need to know about women; we can be very manipulative. Girls that are "friends" with a guy may be acting like they are just your friend but really they would only like hanging out with you because they think you would be a good dad someday. Men generally are thinking about sex and women generally are thinking, "Would he make a good dad?" I'm serious. Girls can't keep it light even if they say they can. There are a million things going on inside our heads, things we would never tell you guys. Like, "Awe he is so honest and kind and sweet. I think I would like to have kids with him." Yep. lol

Define love? What is love to you?

Love is patient, love is Love is what we all need to survive. Love is what gives our life meaning and purpose. Love is what brings us great joy, but it can also bring us great pain. Love always endures. Love does not die, people just give up sometimes. Love takes work. It is not something that just comes or something that you just feel. Love is not a passive thing; it is an active thing. Love is the commitment to care about the other person and give it your ALL until you die. Love is telling the other person when they hurt you and talking openly about it. Essentially love is caring.

What is the most important thing in your life?

My relationship with God. Without him I would be nothing. Without him I would not be able to love or care.

What do you think makes successful people successful?

Being a kind person. Being a good leader. Being confident. Learning self-control in every area of life; money, love, everything.

What is the first memory you have?

My mom rocking me in a rocking chair when I had an ear ache. Her singing "Amazing Grace" to me and me feeling very, very loved and safe.

Did you have a pet growing up and which was your favorite?

Many, my favorite were the 6 kittens we had at one point. They were beyond CUTE! lol :)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Only God knows.....

If you inherited $100,000 right now, how would you spend it?

I would fist and foremost give the first 10%, so 10K, to World Vision to their orphans and widows fund specifically.  Then I would pay off my student loans.  Then use the rest to get a masters and a doctorate. :)  Possibly use some to take some exciting cruises. 

Pick 3 adjectives to describe yourself.

Friendly, Fun, Hard-Worker

If you did volunteer work, what would you do?

Work with kids, mainly ages 2nd grade through 6th grade, and teach Bible studies and lead worship with them. 

What’s your favorite physical activity?

Swimming!  I feel that is the best as it is gentle on all the joints and muscles.  My grandma has always been a huge fan of swimming! :)

What about religion has changed for you as you’ve aged?

I have a more holistic view of God now.  I have learned A LOT over the years.  I understand grace a lot more now then I used to.  His grace with us and how to have grace with others. 

What makes you wince about how you are like your mother?

I sometimes get angry like she used to, and hate that. 

How are you glad that you are like her?

She always had a wonderful relationship with God and modeled that very well for me.  She is studious as I am.  We both love going to Bible studies, learning more about God, and bonding with other good Christian women. 

How are you different from her?

I am a bit more active and like all kinds of sports.  I like to read books a lot; she mainly listens to them on tape. 

What relative was important to you growing up & why?

A LOT of them!  I was very close with my uncle who lives in Alaska, both my grandma's, my aunt, and several cousins.  The one who had the main impact on me was my mom's mom who always told me I would do great things someday. :)

What’s something you’ve never done that you’d like to try?

Bungee jumping!  Though I would be afraid of getting whip lash. :)

What’s a favorite lyric, song or band? How does music matter to you?

Hillsong!  Music sustains me, completely and totally.  If music did not exist life would be miserable.  Even if I am no where near a radio or my laptop I still sing to entertain myself.  Music makes me happy more then anything else, worship music primarily.  :)

What’s something that scares you that you would never ever try?

There are not to many things that I wouldn't try.  And there are not too many things that scare me.  But I would have to say sky diving.  I have always wanted to but I would be afraid of my parachute not opening. lol

What artistic endeavors have you tried & decided you were bad at?

Painting.  I wish I could paint like some people, but it just is not my gift lol.

What dreams have you given up on as unrealistic?

Having a job training dolphins!  lol, I always wanted to train dolphins for work, but the odds of getting a job doing that are pretty slim. 

What book do you remember as being important to you?

The Bible, that is about it, lol.  There have been many, many others I have read and they have all shaped who I am today.  The most influential book for me was probably "Waking the Dead" by John Eldridge. :)

What piece of art did you see that you’ve never forgotten?

The Grand Canyon!  God's art. :)  Lots of things in nature.  Sunsets.  Sunrises.  The ocean.  The ocean at night.  Nebraska in the spring when everything is a new, baby green color.  How beautiful the snow looks when it covers the entire landscape.  How beautiful geese are.  How cute kittens are. 

What’s one of the worse things that could happen to you?

It already did.  The person closest to me dying.  So after that there really is nothing.  I suppose the worst thing now would be if I had a kid someday and they somehow died.  That would probably be 10 times harder. 

What scares you about aging?

Falling down and not being able to get up. lol.  Breaking things, bones.  My teeth falling out. 

What’s required the most courage of you in your life so far?

Being married to Roger, my late husband, and making peace after fights. 

If you had more courage what would you do differently in your life now?

Drive to a horrible area downtown and talk with homeless people.  And tell them about how much Jesus loves them. 

If you had 1 year left to live, what would you do?

Have kids and see what that would be like. 

 If you could live anywhere, where would it be & why?

Australia!  And that is why I'm going there.  Because the air quality is much better then in SoCal.  The unemployment is much, much better.  And I am hoping the culture is more respectful in general then our American culture. 

What is your favorite t.v. show?

Everybody Loves Raymond.  That show is hilarious!  The writers understood family dynamics very, very well.  Good job writers of Everybody Loves Raymond! lol

Where have you never been that you would like to visit?

Europe.  Italy.  Paris.  Israel.  Africa.  England. Ireland. China. South America.  lol pretty much everywhere :)

How do you have fun?

Writing this blog.  Shopping.  Riding a bike in nature and listening to my ipod.  Seeing kids play.  Seeing kittens play.  Watching really good movies.  Going to the beach. 

Do you think you are too materialistic?

No, absolutely not.  Ok, maybe, sometimes.  lol.  I try not to be. :) 

What pipe dreams do you wish could come true? (completely unrealistic)

That I could fly.  That I could go on an astronaut mission into outer space and see the moon.  That I could go in a submarine and see the bottom of the ocean. 

What current events are really troubling to you?

The fact that every single country is in massive debt. :(  The unemployment rate all across the world.

What would you want your eulogy to say about you?

"Lisa was a very good person.  Lisa cared about people a lot.  Lisa did the best she could to leave the world a better place.  I know Lisa is very happy now in heaven, and we are all glad that she is happy.  Amen."  :)  lol

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