Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mormons are Not Christian

Are Mormons Christian?  They seem to think they are, but are they really?  What do they really believe?  How do their beliefs match up with what the Bible says? 

Yes I am writing this in honor of Romney being a Mormon.  I want to look into what they really believe.  And I will openly confess that I did not vote today, because honestly, Obama is going to win anyways.  Also I don't think Romney is much of a better candidate. 

Let me start by saying Mormonism is a cult.  I know a bit about cults as my mom was involved in something called "the local church" for about 15 years of her life, which was a cult. 

What is a cult? The word cult can be a "term for a new religious movement, particularly one that appears to be based on manipulation and indoctrination of members." A cult can also be defined as, "Followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices."

Here is a Mormon belief that is very exclusive, "When Christ was on earth, He set up a priesthood and an organization of the church," Johnston said. "After he died, the people fell away and the priesthood left the earth. It didn't return until the priesthood was given to Joseph Smith. That means that born-again believers, Catholics, Jews and any other religion does not have "the fullness of the gospel" and therefore does not preach the true gospel."  haha, nice huh :)

Ref: http://www.christianpost.com/news/what-do-mormons-believe-ex-mormon-speaks-out-part-two-58494/

It has bugged me for quite some time seeing billboards all over the place saying, "And I'm a Mormon."  Like, "Hey you should be cool like us and be Mormon."  First off, no!  Secondly, I don't like this advertising game they play on people.  The power of suggestion is very powerful, and they obviously know it. 

Also, have any of you noticed lately that the top video on youtube.com anytime you search for ANYTHING is something about someone being Mormon?  It might say, "Wife, mother, Mormon."  What's up with that?  Honestly.  People say they don't want Christians to push their beliefs on people, but we don't put up huge billboards saying, "I'm a Christian," basically saying, "And you should be too." 

Mormons seem to think they are Christian.  BUT THEY ARE NOT.  I'm sorry if any of you reading this happen to be or you know someone who is, but let's shed some light on the beliefs.  Let's bring the truth out.  Let's bring it out of the darkness. 

First off, the fact that there is a book of Mormon is spitting in the face of God.  The Bible is all we need.  It is the divinely inspired Word of God.  We do not need a second book.  And what does the Bible say about this?

The third to last verse of the whole Bible states the following:

"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll."

What does this mean?  It means what it says.  If anyone adds anything to the Bible, all these plagues will be added to him, meaning bodily sores etc.  Think of the plagues that God sent on Egypt, all that.  This does not literally happen so we do not think it is true, but the threat is there.  Who knows what happened to the person who actually wrote the book of Mormon.

Below is a former Mormon telling what they really believe.  Read this.  It tells of their basic tenants of faith that they all must memorize by age 11. 

Beth Johnston says, "The main difference between Christianity and the LDS is that they don't believe in grace."

That is ALL you need to know to know they are NOT Christian.  That is the foundation of the entire Christian religion, that we are saved by grace.  This then puts them in the category with every other religion, including most Catholicism, which states we have to work to get into heaven.  WE DO NOT.  We do nothing, God does EVERYTHING. He did everything through Jesus.  We are saved by grace and grace alone.  We did NOTHING to earn our ticket into heaven, nothing. 

She says, "Mormons do not believe in original sin....We are all born perfect."  We are NOT born perfect.  I can see why they would miss this very crucial doctrine as there is only one verse in Romans 5 that explains how original sin works. 

Paul says, "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned."  The premise for this statement is that if you or I were there in the garden we would have done EXACTLY what Adam and Eve did.  Many people like to deny the evil in their own heart and say, "There is no way I would have done that!"  And that, my friend, is your pride talking.  We all would have done the same thing, because we do the same thing every day.  Eve's sin was that she was not content, she wanted MORE.  Do you know any woman who is completely content now?  With anything?  And Adam chose Eve over God.  Man still chooses women over God ALL the time.  Look at the success of the porn industry.  Case closed. lol. 

So we all sinned when Adam and Eve sinned.  Therefore their guilt was then imparted to every baby born after them.  However, I will say, in regards to infants dying, they do go to heaven.  You do not need to worry about that.  Look up the story of King David loosing the son that he and Bathsheba had as a result of his adultery with her.  The baby died and David was in anguish, but the prophet Nathan assured him he would see his baby again in heaven. 

Johnston says, "If you don't confess your sins to a bishop and repent, you're punished."  This is also what Catholics believe.  I know much about the Catholic faith as my dad was raised Catholic and therefore half of my family is Catholic.  This belief, however, is dead wrong. 

Jesus said in Mt. 23, "And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven."  Also the following is an accusation that the Pharisees brought against Jesus in Luke 5, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”  Jesus was God, and that was why he could forgive sins.  The point of this verse is that no one but God can forgive sins. 

Also 1 John 9 says, "If we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  The He in this verse is not a human being.  It is God and God alone. 

The next belief I would like to attack lol, "There is no hell (in the Mormon religion)," she said. "There are three heavens, and you get into them depending on if you are a Mormon or not, if you are a good person but never a Mormon, or if you are a good Mormon who lives a righteous life."

Can I just say wow.....First of all hell does exist.  Jesus spoke about hell most second only to the topic of money.  Hell is REAL.  It is not mythical.  It does not only exist in horror movies.  I actually did not realize they were this off until reading this article.  This is very, very sad.

Here is a fun verse about hell, "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?"  Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees.  Any of you reading this that don't like Christian would love that verse, lol.  He saw their hypocrisy, that they tried to look good on the outside but he KNEW their hearts were black.  He said they would most likely be destined for hell.  Which is a bit of a worry for many Christians these days that think they are fine and that they will get into heaven with no problem.  Jesus will say to some on that day, "Turn away from me for I never knew you."  After they say, "Did we not cast out demons in your name etc."  Very interesting.  Something to think about. 

2 Peter 2 says, "God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment."  The TRUTH about hell is that it was created when Satan rebelled against God.  He was extremely prideful and wanted to become God.  He led one third of the heavenly angles in rebellion against God before our world was created.  God then cast them out of heaven and into hell, which he created then for them.  Satan is now vehemently trying to get as many human being into hell with him, perhaps out of jealousy that God loves us more then him now, obviously.  He was originally God's second hand man.  But he ruined it for himself.  And that is the history of hell and Satan. :) 

Hell is also described many times in the Bible as "the lake of fire" where there is great weeping and  gnashing of teeth, meaning people are in excruciating pain there.  The worst pain you have ever had, take that times 100 and that is what hell is like.  I'm serious.  It it NOT going to be some big party.  Many people stupidly say, "I want to go hell, cause all my friends will be there!"  No you do NOT want to go to hell, believe me.  That is called denial, to the extreme. 

Mt. 13 says, "The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."  This is a description of Jesus' second coming.  That is when he will send out his angels to weed out the earth.  And my prayer is that you are all ready and are all saved.  Read my blog "The Roman Road" if you are not ok?  Thanks! lol

Another crazy belief, "Mormons do believe Lucifer was Jesus' brother, back on the original earth, where God and Jesus dwelled."  I don't think I need to pull verses in for that.  We all know that is a completely ridiculous.  Why would Satan tempt Jesus in the wilderness if they were brothers and friends?  Honestly.  Also the Pharisees accused Jesus of being possessed by Satan when he was driving out demons and Jesus said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand.... Why would Satan drive out Satan?"  That is all the biblical proof you need for that.  Jesus and Satan are enemies, completely and wholly.  They are not and never were brothers. 

You could say they were friends before Satan rebelled against God, and Jesus is/was God.  That is why Satan is the ultimate betrayer.  He was the best of the best in God's angelic world before there was an earth and us.  But that was not enough for him.  He wanted MORE, and due to his rebellion against God, he fell out of heaven.  And he has been pissed off ever since.  He is like an unruly teenager who got grounded really, and he throws temper tantrums all the time when he does not get his way with Christians. 

I hope he gets pretty frustrated with me! lol :)  I would not want him to like me by any means.  That's right Satan, I think you suck! lol  I love the phrase, "When Satan tries to remind you of your past, remind him of his future!"  In the end, he is going to get it, even if he gets to have his fun for the time being.  But don't let him have fun in your life.  You need to get angry with him!  Seriously.  Kick that little guy in the....anways, moving on lol.  I digress :) 

But if there is anyone you should be angry at, it NEEDS to be Satan.  Don't get mad at your spouse or your friends or your parents.  But PLEASE do get mad at Satan.  He deserves all of our anger, because he tries to mess up our lives ALL the time. 

Johnston also says, "The third heaven itself has three levels, based on piety. In order to reach the highest level, 'where you can get your own planet, you must be a good Mormon, followed all the rules, married, in the temple...."  I want my own planet! lol  That must be the draw for many people to Mormonism.  This is the only thing I really knew about how crazy their beliefs were before. As much as we would love to, we will NOT inherit our own planet in the after life.  On the contrary, our jobs in heaven will be to serve God forever.  I'm sure we will enjoy it, because the Bible says there will be no more crying or pain in heaven, but we will serve.  Sorry to disappoint lol.  I think he will let us do some pretty cool stuff though, like fly!  I personally have always, always wanted to know what it is like to fly.  Now that will be cool. :)  lol

She says, "You have to repent of every sin, pay your 10 percent tithe, raise your kids in the faith … it's just this huge weight and this huge burden."  That would be a huge weight.  Many Christian do this same thing actually; try to strictly follow the law, even though we are now under grace.  This does not mean we to not need to follow the law, but we need to constantly remind ourselves that we are NOT saved by what we do!

Paul says in Gal. 5, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  The slavery he is referring to is trying to follow the law.  The issue specifically that he is talking about is circumcision.  Some of the Jews in Paul's day were trying to get the Gentile men that converted to circumcise themselves.  Can you imagine!  It's one thing when you're a baby but a grown man?  So needless to say he was quite adamant about pushing this concept.  We are NOT under the law anymore.  We do not have to be legalistic about it, about anything.  God has set us FREE!  And "he whom the son sets free is FREE indeed!"  Amen?  So do not let yourself feel the weight of the law anymore!  Instead doing good things and the right thing as a Christian should just come naturally.  Think of how you would obey a parent that you love and respect.  It just comes naturally right?  It should be the same with God.  It flows out of a heart that completely and wholly loves God.  If you are struggling to do the right thing instead of getting mad at yourself and saying, "I need to be doing better!" rather ask yourself, "How MUCH do I really love God?  Why do I love others more then I love God?"  Think about it. 

"Temples serve the purpose of atoning for those who have passed. Mormons go there, after getting a list of people (based on extensive genealogy research) to be baptized on behalf of. So basically, Johnston said, you're working to save yourself and to save people who are already dead."  You cannot save someone who has already died.  Unfortunately if they were not saved, they were not saved.  You cannot change the decision that they themselves made to not follow God.  Salvation is between each individual and God.  No one else can make the decision for anyone else.  We are all our own entities with our own wills.  I'm sorry, but that is just how it is.

Overall, "They have a false understanding of who God is and as a result, they live with a huge burden to be good enough and do enough, [so] that Jesus will save them 'after all they can do.' It's very sad, really."  It does sound very sad indeed. :(  This is the case for any religion that is not Christianity, including Catholicism.  Many in the Christian faith ALSO slip into this sinking sand of being legalistic with the law.  Paul says, "Why if you were saved by grace are you now trying to be saved by the law?!"  We must all guard against this, because it very much goes against our human nature.  If someone kills our mom, they would have to pay right?  Well we killed Jesus with our sin, so we need to pay right?  No.  And that is why Paul says, "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."  The natural human mind has a very, very hard time comprehending this truth of Scripture; that we do not have to do ANYTHING to be saved!  I must say I even had a hard time fully grasping this until I had several discussions on this topic with my late husband.  He really made me see for the first time that God loves me NO MATTER what I do.  I think I always understood that logically before, in my head, but not in my heart.  Now I know it IN MY HEART.  And I pray that all of you will too!  :)

And in conclusion, "Because the teaching is so fluid, you can talk to three different Mormons and get three different answers,' she said. 'I can't emphasize enough that each individual Mormon might have a slightly different view of the doctrine. Based on what era you grew up in, what region of the country you grew up in, whether your parents were active or inactive in the church, whether your family was generational Mormon or recent converts – all of these things affect what you were taught."

Why do none of them really know what the believe?  Because they believe a lie.  It is all lies.  Satan is the father of lies and he wants to confuse us and make us NOT see the truths of the Bible.  Mormonism is a perfect tool of Satan to make a whole ton of people THINK they get the Bible, when they don't even come close! 

 I would like to lift up a prayer for anyone who is Mormon out there.  If you are Christian and reading this you can read it aloud too if you like to help me defeat Satan in this. :)

"Dear heavenly Father, we come before you tonight and beg you to open the eyes of anyone in this country or in this world that has believed the lies of Mormonism.  I pray that you will bring their minds into your glorious light.  Help them to see the TRUTH.  Help them to realize that what they believe is wrong.  And help them to find YOU.  May you bring people into their lives that can reason with them logically and in love about these things!  We lay them into your hands.  They are yours and salvation belongs to you and you alone.  We love you!  Amen. :)"

And may God be with you this week!  If you know a Mormon, try talking with them about all this ok?  God bless! 

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