Friday, November 9, 2012

Ekklesia: Called Out Ones

Watch this....

It's only 2 min. and 51 seconds lol.

The narrator was actually my youth pastor for a couple years at Mariners church in Irvine. :)

Go Jeff! lol

So my favorite part of this video is when he says that the Greek word for church is the word Ekklesia and the literal translation of that is "The Called Out Ones."  So if we are to be called out, as in into the world, why do we as the church hide?

Listen to this song...

We as the church try to hide, and as a result, the world around us gets darker and darker.  We think God would want us to stay "safe."  But when we look at the Scriptures we see that Jesus is leading us out into the world.  We are supposed to go get our hands dirty.  Jesus did. 

The song says, "We are not like the world but we can love it." 

"Come bring the hope to hopeless men....  Jesus came to save the world so let us be in it not of it." 

Also, "The danger is if our world's don't collide."  Why is that a danger?  Because then the darkness will remain darkness with no hope. :(

What did Jesus say, "You are the salt and light of the earth." Also, "Let you light shine before men" right?

The song says, "We've cursed the darkness far to long.  We need to hold the candle high.  We have to go and right the wrongs.  We need to touch the world with love, with His love." 

What are the wrongs we have done?  Judgeing the homosexual community for one.  And judgeing anyone that doesn't measure up to our standards.  But how can they, if they have not been regenerated by the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said in John 12, "I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world."

Another good song on this topic....

It's old but the lyrics are great.  "Somebody needs a little hope, not to far from here.  And I may not know their name but I'm praying just the same that you'll use me Lord to wipe away a tear, cause some body's crying not to far from here."

"Help me Lord, not to turn away from pain.  Help me not to rest while those around me weep.  Give me your strength and compassion when somebody finds the road of life to steep."  Amen!

This is my prayer, all the time.  That God would use me to heal some hurt in this crazy world.  And I hope He is using me. 

"Help me speak your love to every needful ear.  Jesus is waiting not to far from here."

Jeff asks the question in the video, "What is the church for?  Who is it for?"  It is for the world.  We are to be God's ambassadors to the world. 

Paul says in 2 Cor. 5, "God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us."

HE has committed this to US.  The fact is, God uses people.  He needs us. 

But what does the church do instead?  We attack sinners.  We disapprove of homosexuals for their struggle or we look down on women who get an abortion.  What should we do instead?  Love them perhaps.  What would Jesus do? 

He would have compassion on anyone and everyone.  He would not judge the world, as He knows they are slaves to sin, they literally cannot help it. 

Who was the only one Jesus did judge?  Those in the church.  He was furious at the hardness of their hearts!

He said of the church people of his day, "These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me."

Paul says in 1 Cor. 5, "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside."

Did you catch that?  We as Christians are NOT to judge those outside the church.  So why do SOOOO many of us miss this? 

The church, God, Jesus, is not just for us to make us feel better.  He is to be shared.

I love how Jeff says the church was NOT meant to be a way for us to escape this evil world when we die.  On the contrary, we are to join Jesus is his "world restoration project." 

I once heard the analogy that people's heart, souls, can either be like a swamp or a desert.  We are a swamp when we have a lot coming in but no outlet.  Nothing is going out.  We become a desert when nothing is coming in.  This can be love, knowledge about God's word, grace, compassion. 

What if those of us in the church who are swamps, loved on the people who's souls are deserts? 

What if we actually shared the good news with the world instead of pointing the finger at them?

What if we shared that Jesus can teach them how to forgive so that they can let go of any bitterness and resentment they may have held ALL their lives that keeps their souls in a kind of jail cell?

Think about it.  The world needs you.  Will you help them? 

May God help us to love the world more and more, and not judge it.  Amen?

Amen!  Peace be with you! :)

Another song about the hurting world all around us....

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