Monday, November 5, 2012

Amazing Stories

The link below is the best testimony I have ever heard! :)  This man died and saw hell and came back.  I was always skeptical before of these kinds of stories where people said they died and saw heaven or hell and came back, until I heard my late husband tell his dad's story.  His dad died of a heart attack when Roger was about 9.  He went to heaven and God told him, "I am sending you back.  Your son needs you."  And Roger certainly did need him, as his mom had many mental health issues.  Roger would not have been the man he was when I was with him if it weren't for his dad's amazing influence in his life!  His dad saw what other people say they see.  He saw his spirit floating above his body, and he was looking down on himself.  Therefore, I now believe this is possible.  Watch and believe :)

This next link is pretty amazing too!  It's the story of Michael Jackson.  What really happened to him?  This poor guy.  I grew up absolutely loving Michael Jackson, but also being confused about all the allegations of child molestation.  However, none of that is true.  Watch this!  It explains everything very, very well.

Another video states that many famous actors or singers coincidentally died on the 25th of various months. All seemed to be an accident, but were they really? Who knows. 

What this video refers to as the Illuminate are actually Satan worshipers in my opinion. Illuminate, Wiccans, Masons, the richest bankers in the world....I believe they are all the same group. They are those who want to control the world and have the means to do so.  "Whoever has the gold makes the rules" right? 

They are trying to force in a "new world order"in which they will control everything. The entire world is in debt so we we are perfectly ripe for a massive take over. Every single country in existence is at the mercy of the banks. The new world order is represented by the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid on our dollar bills. Have you ever looked closely at a dollar bill and wondered what all the symbols mean?  You can do more research on this if you like.  It is interesting though that the villian in the Lord of the Rings movies is an all seeing eye. 

Also a video about Beyonce....

I love that this video says, "An evil force has been controlling the music industry since the 60's."  Defintely.  That when our country as a whole sold its soul to Satan.  Think about it.  The sexual revolution of the 60's.  People started to be incredibly rebellious toward their parents and the government.  Just watching the movie Forest Gump shows what it was like. 

How did we go from the 50's when people were still relatively modest, with poodle skirts and socks, to the 60's?  Satan.  That was how.  Satan got a hold of the Beatles mid way into their career.  I believe they started out innocent enough but along the way they sold their souls to Satan to get more power, more fame, more money.  I grew up loving the Beatles but the truth is, they went way off the deep end at some point, sadly. 

I think it was the drugs that did it.  Drugs are a gateway to the demonic world.  By doing a drug you let Satan enter if he wants to.  They are much more powerful then people think.  They are not harmless by any means. 

Why do people have horrible trip outs when they are on something?  Because drugs open their mind to the spiritual realm, and not the good one, the evil one. 

All good things to think about and consider.  What music will you listen to?  What will your take on drugs be now?  Is hell real?  What does your relationship with God look like?  Please pray and consider all this. 

Grace and peace be with you! :)  May God bless you and keep you! :) 

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