Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pets are Healing

I am a huge fan of having pets, for the psychological and emotional development of a person, and just because they are so cute! lol

I heard in a sermon once that when children who have a speech impediment are given a dog they do not stutter when they talk to their dogs.  How cool is that?! 

There was a 4 year old I worked with for awhile who had a horrible worst stuttering problem.  I felt so bad for her.  Her parents were going through a divorce at the time and I think that was the reason.  Stuttering seems to stem from insecurity.

You can learn a lot from your cat or dog. 

I always said that my cat Jade was an angel.  I had her for the last two years but had to give her to a shelter the day my late husband died, as I was moving across the country.

But she was a phenomenal cat!  I know some cats seem to be possessed.  I have seen them.  But not Jade.  She was almost like a human being.  It was crazy!

She would be sitting there right by the door every time I walked in the door as if she was waiting for me!

When I would take a nap, she would poke her head at the top of the covers like, "Hey let me in man."  So I would lift up the covers and she would crawl under and cuddle with me lol.  She loved to cuddle with me.  It was so so cute! 

And her and I would "talk."  Like I would say something and she would meow back and we would go back and forth like this for awhile.  That was pretty hilarious.:)   Man I miss her!

Every time I was home she would literally follow me to every room I went in. Anytime I sat down she was in my lap within seconds.  If I went out on the deck she came out there with me.  Though at first she seemed a bit timid of the deck.  I wonder what decks do seem like to cats that are 3 stories off the ground. lol  I'm sure their instincts tell them it could fall at any minute. :) 

Before Jade, about 4 years ago, my step dad graciously allowed me to get two kittens.  They were two boys, brothers.  I told my friend once that watching how those kittens really taught me a lot about friendship and love.  They would groom each other.  They always cuddled together wherever they were sleeping.  They would play with each other endlessly and wrestle.  They were the cutest things I had ever seen, ever! :) 

I also had a bunny for about 4 years.  He looked like an Easter rabbit.  He was perfect!  Beautiful white fur, sky blue eyes....absolutely the cutest bunny you would have ever seen!  My brother actually caught him for me in some neighborhood.  Someone had probably let him go because they didn't want him, but I sure did!  It was really funny to see his ears perk up when he heard something.  He was so timid!  But on the other hand he was very comfortable around me.  I felt like the bunny whisperer! lol. 

After the kittens were older I also got a hamster.  Now that was funny, because I would put the hamster in one of those little plastic balls and he would run around all over the house in it.  The cats LOVED that!  Talk about the best cat toy ever! 

My dad is the reason I love animals so much today.  I grew up with the nature channel being the only channel on TV I could watch.  He was obsessed with science and nature, and he was always talking to us about biology. 

I grew up having every pet known to man.  First we had a bunny when I was a baby to 6, a dog named Trusty....we had two chickens at one point.  I remember getting them as baby chicks and thought that was coolest thing ever!  We had a duck, frogs, rats.  We actually never had a snake though.  Perhaps because snakes are the cursed animal, based on Gen. 1 and yeah I don't really like snakes.  We had kittens, LOTS of kittens.  I have always been quite obsessed with cats. :)  We actually had rats and we would breed them.  Now that was fun.  Rat babies are actually really, really cute.  We had guinea pigs and they also had babies.  We later had two other dogs.  We also had gerbils and hamsters. 

In high school the only pet I could have was lizards due to our living situation. :(  That was interesting.  Watching them eat crickets though was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen! :(  I was quite traumatized lol. 

But I believe cats are by far the best animal.  Most people would disagree and say dogs are.  But cats clean themselves!  They are so much easier to take care of, and they always smell nice.  Dogs never smell nice lol. 

So if you don't have a pet, I suggest you go get one!  It would do wonders for your mental health.  Everyone is happier when they own some furry creature to take care of. 

God created us to have dominion over nature.  So when you have a pet at least you get to have dominion over that one animal. lol :) 

May God teach you as much through your pets as he taught me!  May you learn more about love, friendship and how to care for others through being around and observing and interacting with them. 

God bless! 

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