Sunday, July 9, 2023

A Crazy Guy

 The most crazy guy I have ever known was not my ex-husband. It was my ex bf. I can't believe I considered having kids with him a few times. I could tell he was crazy when I noticed he didn't wear socks. Who wears shoes without socks? That is disgusting. 

The other odd thing was he was giving every dollar he made to his mom when I first met him. She was a millionaire supposedly. She didn't need the money. But he had a gambling problem, so he didn't trust himself to have more than $10 in his bank account at all times. If he had more, he would go play poker or gamble in some other way. After he was with me a while, he asked his mom for all his money back. I guess I helped him recover from that issue. His mom kept 4k of his money and gave him the other 40k back. He was shocked that she kept some. I was like, "Well that was her accounting fee I guess." He said she mentioned doing something like that once. 

No matter how much he had, he always acted like he was broke. That may have been because he was Jewish. He did teach me something about money though. The more rich you act, the more broke you will be. The more poor you act, the more rich you will be.

He used to be addicted to cocaine. Some girl introduced him to it when he was about 20. He couldn't afford to live on his own, so he lived with his mom and then his dad and then his grandma. They all kept kicking him out because he was stealing money from them. They all spoiled him and let him live with them for free. He didn't have to pay any of them rent because each of them was a millionaire. Jewish people know how to get rich. 

When he was with me, he stopped using cocaine, but he drank 3 Monster drinks every day. Then he got terrible headaches, and he didn't know why. Of course it was from the energy drinks. You can't put that much poison in your body and expect to feel ok still. I read that if you have 6 Monster drinks in a day, it will kill you. Be careful with energy drinks ya'll. 

Due to the energy drinks, he was always on edge. He seemed non stop mad about something. He had it pretty easy with me, so there was almost nothing for him to be mad about. He lived with me for free. He got us groceries sometimes and that was great. He tried being generous with me a few times, like offering to buy me a new phone, but I always turned down his offers. I don't know why. I suppose because I don't like taking anything from anyone. "There is no such thing as a free lunch." The more you accept from someone, the more you feel like you owe them. He was not the kind of person I wanted to feel like I owed anything to. He had a problem with being able to forgive. His ex possibly cheated on him, and he was still bitter at her the entire year I knew him. I wanted to tell him every day, "Just get over it man." I doubt that would have helped though. He constantly watched videos about Narcissism to convince himself that she was the main one with the issues. He had issues too, but narcissists never look in the mirror. They see what is wrong with everyone else but never themselves. That is why people like him never get any better. 

The craziest thing he ever did was threaten to drop me off on the side of the road on our way back from 6 Flags. I don't think I did anything that bad. I was just being quiet. That seems to really annoy people if you won't talk to them in the car. I remember another ex going psycho on me for being silent in the car. Why do you always have to talk in the car? I don't think anyone should have to if they don't feel like talking. Most likely it was just that the driving was bothering them. I really like driving. Some people hate driving. Those people should just stay home I would say. 

I have had lots of drama with all my exes. I finally found a peace loving man and a calm place to call home. Thank God my man knows how to stay in peace. I hope we will always maintain a peaceful and happy home. 

May God bless you all with a peaceful home. Keep it peaceful. :)

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