Sunday, July 16, 2023


 My dad has cancer. This sounds sad, but I was a bit happy when I found out about that. He molested me as a kid. In my opinion, he should have died a long time ago. 

I heard once that when a man is caught molesting a child, there could be hundreds of other kids that he molested. He is currently living in an old folks home that his brothers are most likely paying for, because they don't want him to live with them. 

I heard a lot on Joyce Meyer videos that she bought a house for her dad when he was old. She was raped by her dad many times. That seemed insane to me. That must have been extremely hard to do. She said God told her to do it. I suppose he did, or she just felt obligated to do it because he didn't have enough money saved for retirement. 

I don't think I would do that for my dad, even if I was rich. He is responsible for himself. I am not responsible for him. I might feel like I owe him if he didn't molest me, but he kind of messed up my entire life by doing that, so I do not owe him anything. 

If your parents hurt you in a severe way, don't feel like you owe them anything. They need to care for themselves and figure it out. That sounds cold but it's a cold world now. Let them get the karma they deserve. 

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