Sunday, July 16, 2023

My Alpha Female Cat

I seem to be having a struggle of who is in charge with my cat. She just had 5 kittens. She first birthed them under a bush. I didn't think that was a good location, because my pet bunnies always go under there. I moved them under some lounge chairs. She moved them back to the bush. I moved them to a fenced in circle with chairs in and out of it so she could jump in. She moved them to a bush in my front yard. I moved them under a table in the back yard. She moved them back to the front yard. I finally might keep them and her in my garage all day until the kittens are bigger. I just need to let the AC in there a few times a day so it stays comfortable for them. We both probably are worried the bunnies might run over them on accident, so we keep thinking what is the best place for them to protect them. 

So my cat is most likely an alpha cat. Her breed is Siamese. She got into a big fight with our neighbor cat one day. I thought about giving her away because of that. It was an all out crazy cat fight. I read that cats of the same gender have the biggest fights due to being territorial. My bf said they were probably fighting over a male cat. I think they both were just like, "Hey back off of my territory." 

Human females can get very territorial too.

I lived with my mom for a while after my second child was born. I tried to organize her house better, but she didn't like that. I moved some things around, and she said to me, "This is MY house." So I didn't move anything else. Every time I have lived in the same house as another woman there has been conflict and unspoken tension. I have rented rooms to women, and it did not go well usually. Maybe all women are alphas, or at least most act like they are. With one girl she kept putting her onions on the kitchen counter, and I kept putting them in the pantry. I should have just texted her and said, "Your onions belong in the pantry." She slammed the door every time she left the house, even after I asked her to close it quietly. I don't know why she was so rude. She could have been a narcissist. She most likely also hated it that she was single, and I had a boyfriend. 

Alpha sign people generally are harder to get along with. They want what they want. They don't care what you want. It comes off as very rude, obviously. They should consider what others want and be willing to negotiate, but most alphas cannot be reasoned with. 

My cat cannot be reasoned with. I wish I spoke cat, and we could discuss the best place for her kittens. I'll just keep them inside and then the location war between her and I will be over.

Pray that my kittens will grow up happy and strong. Thanks all. :)

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