Sunday, July 2, 2023

Thomas, my Manager

 I used to work with a young guy named Thomas. I met him after my ex-husband and I broke up. He helped me forget about my ex, so that was nice. I was quite in love with him for 2 years actually. I think it was mainly because we spent all day, every day together. I made a lot at that job, and then spent most of it on cider beer at a really fun far that had karaoke!

Thomas was only 20 and I was 35. I know, cougar ah.... He was very sweet. He was very honest. I think the owner of our Papa John's was trying to set us up. She told me one time he never stole a soda or anything, and he never lied about anything. 

One night I was working with him. He was the night manager, and I was the driver. The next day the owner said she saw on the cameras that he hit his knees and was yelling "No, no, no...." I was on a delivery at the time. I told her, "I bet demons were telling him, 'Just walk out now. Quit. Do it...." But he didn't. Good job Thomas. :)

It was very hard for him to handle that job. I am quite sure he was Autistic, but I never asked him. His brain definitely was different than mine. I had a hard time handling that job too though. At another store I was made a day manager. I got pretty stressed out a few times with having tons of orders. But when he had tons of orders, he would cry. Poor Thomas. 

I saw him have a few temper tantrums. One time our head manager Liz told Jesus that he could train to be a manager. That night she put him in charge. Thomas was so mad about that he threw a clipboard on the ground and it shattered. Right after he picked it up and said, "Sorry I'll replace it." It was scary and funny at the same time. 

Another time his brother took a delivery order for me, but he put in the wrong address. I noticed it was out of our delivery zone, so I tried to call the guy to tell him. He was furious. Then Thomas talked to him and it turned out it was a different address. Thomas then yelled a lot at his brother. I darted for the back of the Papa John's and all the other staff followed me. We were hiding back by the dishes. Thomas came back to get a dish and saw us all there. I said to him, "You can't yell like that." He just smiled. His smile was pretty funny. I'm sure he was thinking, "That's my brother. I can yell at him if I want to." To be fair he was mad that he had gotten the wrong address for me. And he was mad the customer was mad. No one has worse customers like people that work in pizza have. They expect everything to be perfect for only $20. It's pretty ridiculous. Ok, some orders got really expensive. 

My current man is so similar to Thomas he could have been his brother. I suppose that is what made me go for him. I was like, "Oh my goodness, it's another Thomas!" I had always thought of marrying Thomas, but not really since we were 15 years apart. I am 7 years older than my current man. That is better. :)  It is nice to know I will forever be around a guy like Thomas. My bf is on an anti-depressant that calms him down, so I'm pretty sure he won't have angry temper tantrums like Thomas had. 

I hope Thomas is doing ok wherever he is. And I pray he will take an anti-depressant so he can be more calm in the future. 

May God bless you all!

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