Sunday, July 16, 2023

Leading Well

 Every natural born leader is gifted by God to lead others, but the important thing is to lead well. You can lead people off of a cliff if you aren't careful. I was just watching a Jay Shetty show and there was so much talk about drugs. I was thinking, "Good Lord why are you so interested in drugs?" I have heard the best thing for your health is to put nothing man made into your body, but this guy was a body builder, and they usually take crazy substances all the time. Watch out for putting man made things in your body. Keep it natural. 

You can influence people toward good things or bad things. I try to always be a good influence. It is probably because I have been around so many bad influences that I am determined to always be a good influence on others. I always try to speak and act in ways that lead to life and wholeness.

Ok the other day I didn't do perfectly with that. Maybe I influenced in leading others to anger or angry responses. There is a lot of stress around me for now, so anger seems to feel like a natural response. 

If you lead others, don't lead them into anger or depression or taking any kind of drugs. Lead others to life, to speaking positively, to being kind and helpful to others. We all influence someone in our life. Make sure your influence is a positive one and not a negative one. 

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