Thursday, July 6, 2023

My Thoughts on Money

 Rich people never stop working. If you want to acquire great wealth, work like a dog every single day doing something. You never know when your hard work will really pay off. 

Rich people invest in houses. If you ever have extra money, buy a house. Buy 10 houses. The game of monopoly taught us all that. :)

Rich people don't care about money as much you might think they do. The more you care about money, the harder it will be to get. Think of what you want to do with your money rather than the money itself. Then you will accomplish that goal. 

What would Jesus do? Was he rich? No, not necessarily, but he never went hungry, except when he was fasting on purpose. Jesus always had his needs met. Why? Because he was always doing something. "A teacher is worthy of his wages." He taught. He healed. He was always busy. There wasn't a lazy day for Jesus. He never just slept all day. He never just did nothing for a long time. He was either praying or helping others in some way. 

If we all work like Jesus did, we will always have our needs met too. Never get lazy. Always try to help others in some way and then all your needs will get met too. Believe it and receive it. 

Getting rich is not everything. The ultimate goal of life should be helping others. "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these earthly things will be added to you as well." 

Keep working hard. Your hard effort will reward you eventually.

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