Saturday, July 8, 2023

Toxic People

If you want a happy life, avoid toxic people. 

Toxic people get bored easily, because they don't have a hobby or a job that they love. Therefore they start drama in any way they can. They love disaster and mayhem. They love destroying other people's lives. That is the most entertaining thing ever for them, for some reason. 

Misery loves company. They want others to feel just as sad and lonely as they feel, so they break up relationships whenever they can. They insult you and accuse you of being bad, even if you are not. 

Toxic people are boundary violaters. They don't care what you want. They only want what they want, when they want it. 

They have been spoiled their whole lives. They spoil themselves, and others have spoiled them. They are used to getting pretty much anything they want, any time they want it. They do not respect anyone else. 

They don't really respect themselves either, because they know they cause others lots of pain. They seem to be in love with themselves, but really they hate themselves. They hate how they treat others, but it is almost impossible for them to change and to be nice. 

They lie and steal any chance they get. They only care about themselves and almost no one else. 

If you are ever around a toxic person, just ignore their crazy behavior. Don't let their madness make you go insane too. Focus on something else, like learning new health tips on the Jay Shetty show. 😁

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