Saturday, July 1, 2023


 The hardest part about pregnancy is heartburn. It isn't the difficulty with getting out of bed or the crazy pain in your back. It is the terrible heartburn that you get when you are tired at night. I still get it sometimes when I am tired. I never know if eating or not eating is the best thing to do when I have it. 

I never struggled with heartburn until my last pregnancy. I remember my ex was always taking Zantac for his heartburn. I figured he ate too much fried chicken and burgers, and he probably did. That definitely can make it worse. The best cure, I noticed, is drinking milk and having a whole wheat muffin when the heartburn hits. It also helps a lot to use a heating pad on your chest. Not the kind you warm up, but the electrical kind that stays really hot. Heat is good for all kinds of health issues. 

I watched a video called, "Cancer Can be Cured." The cancer patients went to Germany and got high infusions of vitamin C and heat treatments. Those two things cured their cancer. Also eating a lot more vegetables. Then they didn't need chemo and their cancer went away. Pretty great. :)

For heartburn, I also tried putting icy hot patches on my chest right where it hurt. That seemed to permanently fix it. The kind I buy are Salonpas. They are cheap and are made in Japan. For any pain I have, I put one of those on it and the pain goes away. My neck was killing me the other day and one of those fixed it. Try getting those. 

The best way to prevent heartburn is to eat healthy. Eat a salad every day. Drink a smoothie every day. Try to eat only foods that you know your body will love. Then you will be much less likely to get heartburn. Also an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and heartburn.

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