Sunday, July 16, 2023

Living with Two Alphas

It is a bit difficult now living with two alpha males. My bf is alpha for sure. The other is just my baby but he already seems very alpha. The movie Boss Baby is probably about an alpha baby. Not all babies are the same. My two daughters were a lot more docile. My baby boy is very much in charge already. We are all born under a sign, which some say is demonic to follow that, but I say it all makes sense. It can be beneficial to understand the personlity of the various signs. I don't recommend following horoscopes, but sign personalities usually do match up. You are what sign you are born under. You probably cannot change. If you were born under an alpha sign, you are alpha. If you were born under a beta sign, you are beta, meaning you are more submissive. 

I remember Joyce Meyer would always say she wished she was more sweet and kind but her personality is not like that. She is naturally more fiesty. Of course that also is because she was sexually abused, but it's also because of her birth sign. 

I have had some conflict lately with my bf. I am also an alpha sign, so it can be harder for me to submit to any form of authority. I tend to want things done my way. He has his opinions, and I have mine. Our entire time being together he was so chill and did what I wanted, but now he seems to want to become a dictator all of a sudden. He refuses to let me cuddle with my baby at night. I am very frustrated about that. So we are butting heads over that, which is a funny saying for this because he is the goat sign. I am a Sagitarrius. Hopefully we will figure out a compromise on this. Please pray for us to remain in peace despite our disagreements. 

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