Monday, July 24, 2023

Divorce and Demons

 I just realized that my mom most likely divorced my dad for the same reason that I divorced my ex. Both my dad and my ex became possessed. Not possessed like in the movies. But they both had several demons messing with them that they couldn't shake off. My ex had demons talking to him all day, every day about me, trying to turn him against me. My dad had demons telling him he would never amount to anything so he should just give up. He stopped wanting to attend church or go to counseling. He started drinking two beers before bed instead of one. He was kind of flirty with the women at church. They were all behaviors that were self-sabotaging. It seemed like he wanted my mom to give up on him, and she did. 

I said to my ex at one point, "I give up." It was too much for me to try to prove my innocence to him while demons kept telling him that I did bad things. He kept thinking I was cheating, but I never did. He thought I said terrible things that I never said. One thing was he said that I said his ex slept with all his co-workers. He must have asked me 10 times why I said that. I said, "I never said that," but he refused to believe me. I don't know if he heard that in bad dreams that he had or he was tripping out while he was awake. A few people I talked to said it sounded like he was doing meth. I have no idea ultimately. He may have been taking drugs, or it was just the demons that caused all of his delusions. People on drugs often attract demons through the drugs, in that they let their guard down so demons can mess with them easier. That may be why it seemed like he was on something. But sadly for him, he didn't need to be on something to let the demons in to pester him. 

We all need to be careful of that. Don't let demons mess up your life like they did with my ex. In a way maybe his life is peachy keen now because he is not the sole bread winner for his daughters or me. His mom is helping him a lot, but I'm sure she resents it. And he will probably never get to have sex again. Once demons take over a person's mind, it is very difficult to get the demons to leave. I remember Joyce Meyer saying she did a deliverance ministry for a while. She would cast demons out of people, but before they even got back to their chair, the demons were right back in them. 

In order for anyone to get free of demons, they have to want the demons to leave. Why do so many people not want their demons to leave? They are lonely and bored. That seems silly to us normal people. Why can't they find ways to entertain themselves other than talking to demons all day? I have no idea. They want someone to keep them company. It should be God, or a good friend, but they refuse to connect with either God or good people. That is very sad, obviously. But the demons are why they don't have any friends, because it is obvious something is wrong with them. But then that rejection from people makes them more attached to their demons. They think if they let the demons go, they will have no one, but they are deceived. 

It is hard to know what to do with such people. It is good to try to help them, but we all know the saying, "Don't try to save a drowning person or you too might drown." That is why I finally gave up on my ex. I felt bad about it of course, but everyone has their limit of what they can handle. You can only give away so much. 

If you are around any possessed people, or people that seem disturbed, just leave them to themselves. Don't let them bring you down. Don't let them make you get possessed too. It can happen. Don't let them ruin your life like they have ruined their own. Keep yourself safe. For some people it is almost impossible to save them. Stay in the light and stay away from the darkness and dark people. That is the wisest thing to do. 

Good luck to you all. May God give you discernment as you try to decide who should be in your life and who should not be. 

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