Thursday, September 21, 2023

Alpha and Beta Signs

I have noticed that we are born with a certain personality. People have always wondered if it's nature or nurture that causes a child's personality. We are very much born a certain way, with a certain make up. I noticed that when working in a pre-school with toddlers. Every child is born different from other children. That is why I started researching the signs. Some signs are alpha and others are beta. My dad and I are alpha signs. We seemed to be natural born leaders. We like to talk a lot. My mom and brother are beta signs. They have always seemed more like followers. That was a bit odd for me being an alpha to be raised by a beta. I always felt more like I was my mom's mom instead of her being my mom. Perhaps a lot of kids have felt that way about their parents. The reason might be that you are an alpha sign, and your parent is a beta sign. 

I also have always known I am a fire sign. Fire can be good, if it is controlled, or else it can cause a bonfire. It can explode more easily, but it can keep others warm. There are good and bad sides to fire, of course. All the fire signs are alpha signs. They usually are the Cholerics of the world, the A type personalities. They are the ones who are good leaders and get things done, but they can be kind of mean sometimes. 

I have heard Joyce Meyer say a few times that she wished she was born with a more submissive and quiet personality, but she wasn't. We are all born the way we will be the rest of our lives. We can try to hide our real selves under a mask, but our true colors come out eventually. The key is to harness your strengths and use them for good rather than bad. It can be good that some are followers. We can't all be leaders. But leaders are helpful to shine the light and lead the way for others. That is what I try to do anyways. 

What are you? A beta or an alpha? You probably already know. If you are an alpha, use your gift of speaking and leading to influence others in a positive way. If you are beta, thank you for being so calm and sweet and kind. Don't sweep things under the rug until you explode though. Learn to express yourself. What you want matters. If you know that it does, others will believe it does too. 

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