Monday, September 25, 2023

Child Support

 I know why I essentially dumped my two daughters on my ex and his parents. Logically since he was going crazy, he wouldn't have paid child support possibly ever. My step-dad molested my daughter, so I couldn't live with them. My brother may have let us live with him, but he had a pitbull. No way did I want my two girls living with a pitbull. Some parents do that. I say they are crazy. 

So I put my ex in charge of them for a season. Maybe if my books sell a ton, I can take the reigns on raising them again. 

You know what I have always seen as so low? When a man has kids with a woman and then runs off to have kids with another woman, while not supporting the first set of kids at all. I knew that was not going to happen to me, but it could have. Any man who wants to have kids is obligated to provide for that kid probably until he dies. There should not be an out or an escape for a man. So often there is though. They leave the mom with the kids and give her nothing to take care of them. Such men are unbelievable when they do that. Such men should be castrated. 🤔😳😣

Men, if you have kids, don't ever let yourself get lazy. Keep providing for them in any way you can. 

Should a mom provide for her kids? Is she obligated to. Usually I would say no. If a woman can just provide for herself, that is a miracle. Almost no woman can make as much as a man can. I tip my hat to all the single moms out there. I don't know how you do it, but you are all super heros. 😃 

Provide for your kids, men. You can do it. 

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