Friday, September 15, 2023

Three Men and a Baby

 I think this movie could melt anyone's heart and make them love children and maybe even God again, if they have become an atheist. The acting is wonderful. 

I had forgotten how awesome this movie was. I saw it when I was younger. I remembered the part about the diaper falling off because it was too big. That was so funny. The dad says at one point about the formula, "I don't know why I even give you this. It just goes right through you." I think any parent using formula has their doubts about it, but you have to feed your baby something. 

It was so heart warming, the way all three of those guys fell in love with the baby girl. The dad had changed her and she didn't want a bottle. He said, "What else is there?" Yes I think every parent has said that. Burping. That is the main other thing that I still forget about so often, even after having 3 kids. 

It is never easy raising kids. They deprive you of sleep and you always have to solve the riddle of what they need, but it is so rewarding. When they look at you with those loving and happy eyes as if to say, "Thank you for all you do for me. I think you are great!" That is what they say when they say nothing at all. 

I loved the part at the end when the mom is crying and saying how tired she was. I guess she lied in saying she was going back to be with her family. She was just going to raise the baby alone again and work and pay for childcare. I can't imagine doing it totally alone. I have always had family around to help me. Then the three guys tell her she and the baby can live with them forever. So cute. 

The story line for Big Daddy is similar. In that one Adam Sandler takes care of his room mate's son for a few weeks. It also followed the story line of the kid randomly showing up on his door step. I wonder how often that happens, or is it just in the movies? 

They are both wonderful movies. If you haven't seen them, check them out. May God bless you a ton especially if you also are caring for a baby now. :)

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