Thursday, September 23, 2021

Addicted to Drama

 When people don't have a life, they love to create drama. My mom used to do this with me when I was younger; if she was bored she would try to pick a fight with me, just for entertainment. I always knew exactly what she was doing, because I was always very smart, so I would never take the bait.  I would just remain calm and silent while she went completely crazy for a half hour or so.  I knew that when she was crazy if I said or did anything she would only get more crazy.  I never wanted to fight.  I never wanted drama.  But she did.  It was almost like she was addicted to drama.  She was addicted to discord and chaos, because she was used to that.  Her whole life growing up, her parents were always fighting.  They hated each other almost every single day of their 65 years of marriage. So then with my mom, it was like she didn't know how to have a normal life without there being constant fighting.  

Most of life is pretty boring.  So many people can't handle the boredom of life so they try to start stuff, they try to rock the boat.  Maybe they want to create the drama they see in movies.  But it is Way better to just go watch a drama movie then to make your own life a drama movie.  

This was the case for everyone in my ex husband's family.  They all had No life and so they felt the need to create drama in my life.  There was so much gossiping and back stabbing and lies that they spread about me and my family, and they Still spread lies about me to my mom and anyone they can.  It was their entertainment, literally, to make my life hell for awhile.  I am quite sure that the more I suffered, the more they all laughed about it.  I had never in my life known such evil people. And that is why my ex and I are now divorced, because I couldn't handle all insanity of all that anymore. 

My ex husband swore he was living in some action movie.  He thought cars were following him everywhere he went and that people were "after" him.  I kept trying to tell him, "Your life is not a movie.  You are not living in a movie."  But it was like he wanted to.  He wanted his life to be some crazy action movie, because like my mom, he was used to the drama.  Perhaps he also was addicted to drama.  Normal life was too boring for him.  Maybe he got tired of the quiet, suburban life where nothing ever happens.  It is nice to be safe and at peace, but he couldn't handle it.  Some people can't handle normal life, where you just go to work and go home every day.  You see the same people every day.  So many people get bored with that, so they infuse crazy situations into their life that they don't need to. Why?  Because they can't handle the monotonous routine of life.  They can't handle just being a normal person and having a normal life.  I remember Joyce Meyer said when she started really trying to have more peace in her life that it felt boring.  And yes it does, but at least then you have peace. 

I love this quote from the book Psalm 23 by David Roper.  He says, "I have discovered that all these misfortunes of men arise from one thing only, that they are unable to stay quietly in their own chamber. Hence it comes that play, the society of women, war and offices of State are sought after. Hence it comes that men so love noise and movement."  Women love noise and movement too, but we fill that need by having children. For some reason that isn't enough for so many men.  Men go out and commit crimes when they are bored.  This is why men Need to work, and if their jobs are not hard enough and do not challenge them enough, they create drama in their life somehow.  Maybe they shoot up a building or cheat on their woman.  If women do not feel sufficiently challenged with life, they just decide to have more kids to manage, but do all kinds of crazy things.  

In college we talked about how we can use our energy for constructive or destructive purposes.  If you are highly intelligent and have a lot of energy, you know you should be using your intelligence for something.  Either you will use it to make a lot of money, raise a wonderful family, or you will commit crimes.  We all have to do Something with our lives. We all need to feel that our lives are signifacant and that we are impacting others in some way.  You can do this in a positive way or in a negative way.  Most people don't know what to do with their lives.  If you have no direction, if you don't know what your calling is, you might mess up your life in a million different ways.  

So what is your calling?  What did God create you to do?  I have always known that I am meant to write.  What is your thing?  If you have not figured it out yet, I pray that you will, so that you will not create drama in the lives of others for entertainment.  God bless! :)

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