Saturday, September 18, 2021

You Need a Team

 In every stage of life you have to have a team of good people around you. I played basketball from age 9 to 22, so I always had a literal sports team that I was on. I always had a friend team too, people who I knew had my back that I had lots of fun with. Unfortunately, you rarely have the same team your whole life. God always brings new people into your life to be on your team, and you are grateful for them, even if they are different then your old team. In each group you are in, you care about each other and you look out for each other. You give each other a reason to live, and you push each other to be better. None of us were meant to live life alone. Satan might steal, kill and destroy one team you have, but God can always bring a new team, an even better one. 

My team for 7 years was my ex husband, my mom, his mom and my two daughters. That team fell apart due to my ex's brain slipping away. Then my team was my co-workers at Papa John's. I felt very close to all of them. Now my team is my awesome bf and room mates. 

You can't walk the hard roads of life on your own. You need strong people around you to encourage you and inspire you to be better. It can be hard to bond with a new team because you wonder, "How long will this one last?" But be happy while you have them. When people move on, let them go and look for your next team. Stay in faith. Believe that your life and your circle of friends will only get better and better. The more faith you have, the more God will bring good things to you. God bless. 

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