Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Questions for God

 God do you think Elaine should move out of my house? Probably. 

Do you think Kim should stay here forever? As long as she wants to, maybe rent free. hm....Why rent free? Cuz she's stressed over money. Ok. Do you think Eric will pay the water and electric? Soon probably.

If I work again where do you want me to work? Maybe Domonio's. 

How long do you want me to be with Eric? Forever, cuz u make each other very happy. ok cool :)  Do you think he will take me out to eat more? Maybe every night, if he wins a lot in Vegas. Yay....yay....

Do you want me and Eric to go to church? Nah. Just watch it on Youtube. 

What do you want me to do with the rest of my life? Inspire people. Cool. Yep. 

Do you want me to make a baby with Eric? Too much stress. Just have fun. Ok cool. Yep. 

Will Eric ever get the window fixed on his car? Never.....aye carumba. 

What would make you the most proud of me? I am already proud of you. Sweet! haha ur so cute. :) Thanks!

God I'm not sure what to do with the rest of my life. Just watch movies. Why just that? Cuz the world might end soon and then you won't be stressed. Ok. 

Is everyone I know going to heaven? Everyone but Ben. Why not him? Because he is a jerk for keeping your kids from you. Yes he is. 

God do you want me to ever live with my mom again? She is toxic. Stay away from her. I don't like her. 

Do you want me to live with my brother? Maybe. He is a fun guy.

How much longer can I have my house for free? Forever. I'll work it out. 

Does watching movies make me a better person? It makes you more calm, cuz it gives you something else to focus on besides how crazy your life has been. Yes that's true. 

Will I ever see my dad again? You won't need to. Eric will take care of you.

Do you approve of the way I am living my life right now? Of course, you do everything I tell you to do. Good job. I couldn't be prouder of you.

Why did you let me have 2 lesbians move in? So they would be safe around Eric, like they wouldn't steal him. Ok. But it's awkward. I know. But you want Kim to stay right? As long as she pays rent yeah. Ok. And Elaine should leave? Just cuz she conflicts with people so much. Yeah. And you're tired of sharing a wall with someone. Yep. 

Is there any reason why Elaine should not move out? Just cuz you feel bad for her about where she will go, but I'll take care of her. Don't worry. Am I going to regret having Elaine leave? No not one bit. Your house will feel more peaceful. Maybe you can make bracelets again. Yeah true. lol. I'm tired of hiding in my room. I know. 

Should I move my TV back the way it was. Embrace the change. Ok. :)

Do you want me to ever go to Vegas with Eric? That place is bad. You know that. Yes I do. 

Do you want me to try visiting Joy and Serenity? It would be too hard. Just stay here. Ok. 

Do you want me to go back to Papa John's? Your car is pretty much done driving around. Ok. But I just fixed all that stuff. But it's still old. :( Wah.....I know. Do you want me to be an in store there? Only if Liz leaves. Ok. Do you want me to be an in store at Dominos? It would be awkward. Just take care of Eric. He is the only one who deserves your time. Ok. 

Do you want me to go to Walmart today? Stay away from there. awe why....Cuz ur broke, or kind of. Ok. 

Maybe I should try babysitting? Um....If ur bored, sure. 

You no want me to be a delivery driver anymore? Too stressful. Just take care of Eric. Ok I can do that. :)  I know you can. Weee....

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