Thursday, September 23, 2021

Desire to Speak in Tongues

 If you have not been filled with the Holy Spirit yet, I recommend that you desire to be.  You will know you have been fully filled with the Holy Spirit when you start praying in tongues.  I had an ongoing debate for 6 years with my ex husband about the gift of tongues. I was very callous and argumentative about the gift.  I think I just felt threatened by it, because I knew it was something I was always curious about and wanted, but I was scared of it. I was scared to go deeper with God, just like I am scared to go deeper with people I know most of the time. I like to keep things shallow so I stay comfortable. 

 I just had a revelation, that the word tongues is given that name for a reason.  When you are deeply in love with someone, you feel comfortable kissing them with your tongue often.  If you do not feel very close to them, you only do more surface kisses, peck kisses or cheek kisses etc. The deeper you are in love with someone, the more you want to give them a real kiss, a tongue kiss.  There have not been many guys in my life that I have wanted to kiss this way, even my ex husband actually.  I suppose there are very few guys I have been fully in love with. 

People do this with God a lot, they hold back on loving him fully.  Is praying in tongues required for your salvation?  I will say not entirely, but if you want to go deeper with God and let him be your whole world, it is.  Some people don't want to, because they don't trust God or they are mad at God for things in their past.  They say they are Christian, but they don't really love God.  If you do love God, wouldn't you want to feel closer to him?  So many Christians ignore the supernatural side of God because it scares them.  They want to stay in their heads and memorize Bible verses and just know theology, but they never access God with their hearts.  They do not want to fully know God. Maybe they prefer to hide from God because they feel shame over something. 

Jesus said, "These people acknowledge me with their lips but their hearts are far from me."  I have seen this over and over again, people saying they love God, but you can tell that they really don't.  They don't want to go into a deeper relationship with God because their heart is hard. They want to be their own God. They want to call the shots of their own life. They live out of their head instead of their heart because that is what is more comfortable. They don't want to really love God because they are too in love with themselves. 

When you get tongues, it is like really kissing the person you are with, with your tongue.  That shows that you finally want to let them into your heart.  I remember in the movie "Pretty Woman" she said she didn't kiss her clients because it creates too much of a bond.  She was a prostitute and she had to keep an emotional distance from her men.  She had to protect her heart.  

So many people do that with God, they keep their distance, because they don't really love God or they don't trust God.  Maybe they just want a hit and run with God, just like people can do in sexual relationships.  They get an emotional high at church on Sunday, just like if you had hooked up with someone Friday night, and then they go on their way and don't think about God at all the rest of the week.  But God wants to be in your heart and mind 24/7.  

This only happened for me after I received the gift of tongues. Ever since then I talk with God all day every day about whatever is on my mind. He is always the wisest and kindest voice you will ever hear. When you are finally willing to go deeper with God, that is when he pours the gift out on you.  When you finally decide to not care what others think of you what what you think of yourself. When you can finally let go.  That is when you get it. When you finally become humble and open yourself up fully to God, then you will get the gift. 

So be humble. Stay open.  Trust God, and get ready for God to become your 24/7 best friend. God bless! 

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