Friday, September 24, 2021

Rude Renters

 I am trying to get one of my renters out of my house. Ever since she moved in here she has acted like it is her house and not mine. For 3 months she has been very inconsiderate and slams doors all the time. To her maybe it is just shutting a door, but things echo in my house a lot with our tile flooring, so it sounds like doors slamming. She used to slam the front door so hard I thought the wall might crack in half. I don't know why she insists on being so incredibly loud. I put a written note on both sides of the door, "Please close door slowly." She ignored it and still slammed the door. So yesterday, I don't know if I meant to make her mad by doing this, I put her almost spoiled bananas in the fridge and moved her onions to the pantry. I am just tired of looking at them. For 3 months now I have put the stupid onions in the pantry and she keeps putting them back out on the counter, as if they are decoration. They are the ugliest looking thing ever. I think she has been trying to piss me off or try to establish dominance or a way to say this is her house. This is her first time renting a room, obviously. Yesterday she texted me, "Stop moving my stuff" and other disrespectful things. I said "This is my house, not yours. Please find another place to live by the 1st. I am very tired of your bad attitude." Good job Lisa. I finally said it. :) I don't know where she will go next, but I know she has a brother. Maybe she can live with him. She came to my house from an abused women's shelter. Her dad was supposedly raping her at night. At first I felt so sorry for her like she was some poor helpless victim, but she is 21. She would have known if he was trying to have sex with her and she could have moved out a long time ago. Why on earth would she let that continue? So now I am thinking she is not just messed up because of her dad, maybe she wants to be messed up. 

My house will be much more peaceful with her gone. Please pray she will leave soon. Thanks all. 

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