Saturday, October 9, 2021

Be Positive

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

What is true? God loves you and he has something for you to do that nobody else can do. You are treasured. You are one of a kind. You are worthy to do great things for God. 

What is noble? Women are called to be noble and dress modestly. Men are called to be noble and live respectable lives. 

What is right? What would be right would be me getting to be with my kids again. If any of you Bedricks are reading this, you know that is what would be right. 

What is pure? Children. I can't think of anything else. :)

What is lovely? Flowers, baby bunnies, kittens, clean sheets and clean clothes.

What is admirable? Knowing that your partner is being faithful to you. 

What is excellent? Writing a great blog. 

What is praiseworthy? Running really fast. :) Playing basketball well. Singing well. Writing well. 

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