Monday, October 11, 2021

Is God/the Bible Sexist?

 In the sense that wives are supposed to serve their husbands, our modern society would probably call the Bible sexist. Feminism has told us women to be strong and go out and work. You don't need a man, or if you have one, treat him like dirt. He is beneath you. You can rise up and be stronger and more powerful. That is what society tells women now. 

Here is what the Bible tells women:

"Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled."

Reverent means respectful. They are to revere and respect their husband. What if they don't have a husband? Then they are to respect whoever is in charge of them, a boss, a son in law etc. 

Not slanderous, as in don't gossip about others. Mind your own business. Why talk about other people? What is the point? Unless you are wanting to help them. But then just talk to them directly. 

Don't be a slave to a lot of wine. This includes those who like to get high a lot. Why is this command given to older women? Maybe because as us women get older, our body hurts more, especially if we had kids, so it is tempting to numb the pain with a substance. All things in moderation. It is ok to have a little wine or beer or medical pot ;) but don't overdo it. Don't do it so much that you can't run your own life, keep your house clean, and pay attention to the people in your life. 

Teach what is good. Teach what the Bible teaches to others, not what society teaches. 

Train young women to love their husbands. I must say my mom and mother in law totally failed at this with me. I think feminism got ahold of them and they secretly hated their husbands and hated men in general. Therefore, they did not encourage me to love my ex husband most of the time. I think they both wanted us to split up, at least for sure toward the end. Most of you young women will probably have to deal with that with most women around you. They probably won't encourage you to stay married. That is just how our society is now. 

Women are to be working at home. Is that sexist? Or is it setting women free from the crazy work world out there? I think it is setting women free to relax at home. Older women, and young women, are meant to be working at home. Young women have kids to watch over. What do older women have to do? What does that mean these days when our chores can be done in a few hours? What do you do with the rest of your time? Read, write a blog, watch sermons, grow into a stronger and wiser person, read :) Make dinner for your husband or a friend, keep the house clean, go get food for the house... There are lots of things you can do at home. 

Women are to be submissive to their own husbands. I think our modern society tells women, "Forget about being submissive. Go out and make your own money. Then you won't have to submit to anyone." But you still have to submit to your boss. And if that is your attitude, why are you even married? 

If your husband is providing for you well and letting you stay home, you should submit to him. He deserves that respect if he is providing for you. If he is not bringing in enough money and you have to work too, you are still supposed to submit to him, within reason. If he asks you rob a bank with him, don't. If he asks you to engage in a threesome, don't. As long as whatever he tells you to do, God would approve of it, then submit to him. 

This can be tricky if you don't have a godly husband. Those are very tricky waters to navigate. Do the best you can. :) 

"Let women learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control."

This was written because Timothy was a very young pastor. Therefore the women in his church started to get unruly and un-submissive. They probably felt like they knew more about God then he did, and maybe they did, but they were being unruly and disrespectful in church. You know how women can be. So Paul told Timothy to remind such women to be QUIET in church.

 When he says "I do not permit a woman to teach." Does that mean women can't ever teach in church? Women can teach a little, but a woman is not meant to be the main teacher. 

The verse "she will be saved through childbearing" means that generally God wants every woman to have at least one kid. To humble them, teach them to love, and to have a child to care for them when they are older. It seems odd to everyone I think when a woman never gives birth to her own child. That is what women are meant to do. We can do other things obviously, but that is the primary reason why God created women. 

The verse about Eve being the one that was deceived, you have to admit that women now are still more easily conned. We are more gullible. Women need a man to keep their head on their shoulders, to keep us grounded. Men need a woman to help them be more stable and not do crazy things, and women need a man for the same reason. We mess up in different ways. Men get into drugs and women shop too much, but they are both pitfalls that we need help staying away from. We help each other. 

"Adam was formed first, then Eve." This means that men were meant to be the primary rulers over this planet. Women were created to be a helper for the man, a sidekick. The man is to primarily be in charge, with his woman at his side. If he doesn't have a woman, then he has no helper. How sad for him. :(  If a woman doesn't have a man, sometimes she is happier because she can stand on her own. Women can handle being on their own a lot better then men can.

This is what all us married women should strive to be like, "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life." Amen praise God. Be that woman. 

May God bless you!

(In writing my blogs I have these websites open for referencing,,, and  Check them out.)

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