Sunday, October 24, 2021

To All the White People

 Just because your skin is lighter, that doesn't mean you are more angelic or something. You swear you are an angel. Do you act like an angel? No. I have seen more corruption in white people then any other race, and I have been around tons of other races being from SoCal. You white people have no right to think you are better then other races. So what if you have more money. Do you have more love for others?  You want to know what God values, the purity of your heart, not the amount of money in your bank account. 

Your money is your god and you know it. You put your faith in your 401K, all the nice things in your house, and whatever you have saved up. You don't worship God because you worship money, and you worship Yourself. You think of yourself as God don't you?  You think you are the shit. You think you are a king or a queen. News flash, you are Not. 

Maybe God has blessed you because your ancestors were more godly, but now you are spitting on your inheritance and your blessings with godless living. You can't do whatever you want and expect to always get blessed. The fact that you are white does not make you immune from justice being done. We all reap whatever bad things we sow. 

The apple has fallen far from the tree hasn't it?  You are nothing like your grandma or grandpa are you? Maybe you should remember where you came from. Remember what those who lived before you, would have wanted you to be like. 

God says, "I love all races. Never just assume I love white people. I love everyone. I can save everyone. I am God and I can do whatever I want, obviously. You do worship your money more then me, which I have mostly gotten used to, but it is wrong. Lisa is right, you need to humble yourself. White people do have more pride then any other race. I have seen it all unfold for years now and it sickens me. I have blessed you because your ancestors were holy, but you are becoming different then they were. Go back to your roots, and you will continue to be blessed. Take care of others, not just yourself. Your abundance of money is not meant to be just for you. It is for others too. Other people deserve money, not just you. I want to bless others through you. Stop being selfish. I don't like when you take advantage of other people in regards to money. Stop cheating people out of what they deserve. Lay your riches at my feet, and I will pour out more blessings on you. Give in order to get more. Or you can ignore what you know I want you to do and watch your blessings slip away. I love you, but it is time to straighten up and fly right. And be bold in your faith. Stop being scared and sheepish when it comes to telling people your story about me and how I have helped you. Be stronger. You can do it."

God loves you the way you are, but he loves you too much to keep you that way. 

God bless!

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