Sunday, October 10, 2021

Who is Jesus?

 Jesus is at the same time the son of God, and he IS God. In Revelation Jesus is depicted as God. He said about himself, "I and the Father are one." This was the main reason why he was crucified, because he claimed to be God, but it was not a heresy. Jesus is God. He is not as high as God the Father. He is under God the Father. He said about himself that everything he said, the Father told him to say. He said that his authority came from God the Father. 

Jesus was a miracle worker, a profound teacher, a great friend, and a world shaker. The Pharisees were extremely jealous of Jesus, because he had such a huge following. This is also why they had him crucified. They could not stand how popular he had become. The Pharisees were used to being the coolest kids on the block, so to speak. Then Jesus started his ministry and everyone wanted to listen to him instead of them and to be around him. The Pharisees couldn't perform the miracles that Jesus did, so of course they were jealous about that as well. 

Jesus is in heaven now with the Father. He really did die and raise from the dead 3 days later. That fact is what Christianity is based on. His death was the payment for our sins, those of us who choose to believe that. Anyone who wants to accept Jesus' free sacrifice of his body for our sins can go to heaven. 

Jesus is awesome! 

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