Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Does God Still Perform Miracles?

 No, he does not in the same way that miracles were done when Jesus walked the earth. There is no reason for God to do miracles anymore. The Bible has been written. Everyone can read about the miracles Jesus did in the Bible if they want to. They can choose to believe they happened or not. That is their decision. God did miracles through Jesus to affirm that he was not only the son of God, but that he was and is God. 

There are people in modern day times who claim to be able to do miracles, but those stories are mostly false. No one can do miracles like Jesus did, because Jesus was God. No one alive today is God or can claim to be anything like what Jesus was worthy to claim to be. 

Yes Christians have the Holy Spirit inside them, but that does not make them God. We can pray to God for certain things but he can always say no. We do not have God like powers just because we have the Holy Spirit. There is the gift of miraculous powers that Paul mentions but very rarely is this gift given to people. Only people who are extremely humble are given this gift. 

The main miracle God still does is turning a selfish person into a caring, giving person. Even this miracle is rare these days. :) That is probably the most important miracle that God could ever do. 

Here is a verse that has confused me more then any other verse:

Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."

What did he mean by this? I think he mainly meant that we will teach others just like he did. He taught people for about a year, but Christians now teach people for their entire lives. That could be considered a greater work. Jesus healed people in order to help others have faith. Miracles and healings are not the only way to help others have faith. Telling people your story of what God has done for you can also increase faith. Jesus healed people physically. We can help people heal emotionally, spiritually and mentally. If you have the faith to try healing someone physically, by all means, try it. :)

In conclusion, don't be discouraged if you aren't doing exactly what Jesus did. Jesus was God, none of us are. We can teach like Jesus, but our works will not be identical to Jesus, because we are not God. 

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